Further druid tuning still needed please

I’m not really complaining as much as I was being sarcastic.

Well, got some numbers now

Where still about as far off the pace as we were in 9.1.5, but a handful of other specs have fallen even further behind than us.

11k seems a bit on the low side though. Granted your mileage will vary on what key you’re running, but I’m usually hitting 11k on keys like ToP while hitting closer to 14k on keys like Gambit and my gear is nowhere near where it should be anymore as I’ve basically gone full resto in keys here lately. You’re far more likely to get a better census of players who can better represent their spec by averaging 20’s. It’s fair to say it’s easy to spot a bad feral from a good one, and there is very seldom a middle ground.

Meters can show a couple hundred to a couple thousand more than the parse because the meters don’t count down time and the parse does.

Dungeon specific numbers are in there as well.

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You’re right druids needs nerfs in a few spots

Speaking for feral’s, our meteoric rise from 24th spot to 21st has made us somewhat uppity.

I get what you’re trying to show here (and right, our base AoE is still garbage) - but there are a lot of problems doing it this way.

  1. The number of people that log keys dramatically decreases with key level, which results in basically nobody logging 15s.
  2. The gap between each person is going to be a lot larger for Feral simply because there are fewer people playing the spec. Therefore the gap between 1-25 for Feral is going to be way larger than a lot of other specs, thus appearing lower on your measurement. This will obviously be magnified by (1).
  3. 15s are so easy that they are going to overwhelmingly favour specs that have high burst that can easily be reset by Urh.

I’ll take an example to illustrate - HOA 15.

Guilty has a log with 17.9k
Rank 25 is 12.5k
Diff: 5.4k

If we look at Survival -

Rank 1: 17.6k
Rank 25: 14.7
Diff: 3.1k


Rank 1: 18.1k
Rank 25: 14.9k
Diff: 3.2k

The diff for Feral is more than 60% higher than both of the meta specs. To me all that shows is that the average Feral is pretty trash. I think a better argument would be pointing out just how much of our damage on trash (our boss damage in keys is fine) is being propped up by 4p, Cache, and 2nd legendary.

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There are 10’s of thousands of parses for each dungeon at 15 and the data starts to clump very quickly and by the 25th best parse adjacent pareses are usually within a few points. There’s probably more data on keys than raids. And we trust the raid data. Someone that logs raids will only be logging a couple raids a week. But someone that logs keys will be logging them by the 10’s per week.

The gap between adjacent parses for ferals is the same as all other specs by the time you get to the 25th best parse. It’s why I look at 25th instead of the outliers at the very top which may be more indicative of the situation than the specs potential.

The data for 15’s and 20’s is surprisingly similar.

Survival 15, 25th parse 19,328

Survival 20, 25th best parse 19,558

I mean, this is just provably false. You have a grand total of 285 15s logged for/by Ferals for this week of keys, compared to 434 Heroic Rygelon parses in the last week, and the keys are infinitely easier to complete.

I think I see what you’re getting at, and I agree that methodology makes sense. The gap between top end and where you’re measuring is still relevant to note as it gives you an idea of whether or not your sample logs are of people that know what they’re doing. Sampling bad play is a waste of time, no matter what spec it is.

That’s fair. Probably more an assessment of the players who would be doing 15s that could take advantage of the difference don’t log (or log publicly anyways) - so it’s a wash.

Trees are nice and I love them, but it seems like half of tanks in pugs absolutely hate trees and will rage if you even drop them lol. And to be fair most boomies have pretty bad timing on trees anyway, or drop them and turn a frontal on a dps and get them killed or something. So, nice if you have a set group but I don’t see anyone grabbing a boomie in pugs for trees these days. It used to be a big solution for necrotic expansion ago but necrotic has been nerfed and now tanks are pretty good at handling it with kiting, kyrian pot or BDKs just parrying enough till it drops lol.

As for innervate I highly doubt you’re actually doing different pulls because of innervate lol. As a healer I never run oom because of Urh. Innervate is just not needed at all at this point and I never would invite a boomie specifically for innervate. I can’t even remember the last time I had to use a mana potion, much less needed an innervate. So listing innervate as a valid excuse for having low overall dps is a bit silly.

As an average, at least in my personal experience (and those of the people I’ve talked with this week), no they are not.

The only tuning druids need is a nerf. Druids currently dominate the current raider io rankings most of the top positions (like 90 percent) is druids.

Druids simply dont pay enough for all of that utility and with the amount of time investment is required for a single character, doing everything is simply not fair to the player base.

blizz has stated they don’t design the game around damage numbers.

So i would stop worrying about your lil details bar going up and down man.

there is no tuning needed. Their spells and talents just absolutely suck plain and simple. Every target I fight I’m practically almost dying on. The tuning is fine, Its just the spells and talents are sucky. Yes I’m talking about Balance druids. I said nothing about the tank, healer, or cat druid.

I think this comment is sarcasm