Further druid tuning still needed please

When I last checked, only 5 balance druids had completed a 25 key compared to hundreds of locks, rogues, hunters, and mages. Utility means nothing. Only damage times keys, and we do not do it. If our utility were so impactful that it helped us compete, we’d see it being used. We don’t, because it is not. The game is not designed with utility in mind.


Nope. Stun and interrupt are the only things required. And everyone has at least one of those (dps at least. RIP healers).

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Nice cherry picking. What I actually said was…

Furthermore, I never claimed that our damage was equal to that of survival or destruction. Clearly those two specs are outliers given their obscene presence in both 15s and the MDI this past weekend.

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I’m not “getting absolutely blasted” in aoe. I’m competitive when I have cooldowns, but I’m never going to consistently compete with a destruction lock, especially with wilfreds. Unfortunately, even with Urh and arcanic pulsar, my cooldowns are only up about 50-60% of the time, and due to the design of the class, I am forced to spend numerous gcds on starsurges in AOE instead of being able to repeatedly spam starfall like destro can on rain of fire.

Clearly there is a disparity in class design between the boomy and destro lock. I won’t speak to the survival hunter due to my unfamiliarity with the spec.

I’m not arguing that boomies are bis. I’m arguing that they’re okay and could use some improvement. Their utility does fill some of the gap in the damage disparity, but it does not fill all of it, which is leaning toward your point. However, I disagree that our damage is so abysmal that there is no chance of competing. I will acquiesce that because of lower numbers than in season 1 and 2, many boomies are fleeing this spec in favor of other specs with higher numbers. I argue that this exodus is artificially lowering our damage further as better players exit to greener pastures.

Utility does matter, but it’s way too heavily weighted for how much it ends up “costing” a class to have. I’ve been told multiple times before that the reason for “x” is because that you have utility. The issue is that people don’t usually seem tl care about what utility you can bring to a key with one massive exception: Bloodlust/Hero, a utility so strong and damage impacting that people look for one in almost every group.

Unique utility doesn’t matter. Things like trees, innervate, etc. Basically every spec can do the things you need to do in order to satisfy the utility requirements of keys (stun, interrupt, slow, etc.) Some do it slightly better than others, but it’s irrelevant because you get to take three dps specs, so you can easily satisfy the key’s requirements while taking the three best damage options for the key. All that matters is how much damage can your spec do, since the basic requirements for the key are almost always able to be satisfied with any combination of three specs.

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…do the people you run keys with not have working keyboards?

“I get to do the same damage as a survival hunter every 4 pulls!”

I do somewhat agree with this. In fact, I would feel less bad about the spec if the top outliers were brought in line. Balance still wouldn’t be great, but the differences would be much less noticeable.

I never personally said this before, but unfortunately it is true. Do some keys with some competent hunters or locks, or even warrior, dh, rogue, mage…it’s not good for orange class.

This was already happening during season 2 because our damage/cd profile is awful for keys even when the damage was there.

This is 100% true.

Spoilers: balance and feral are both consistently worse than guardian for DPS by a large margin. BM hunter as well, but that’s a story for another forum.

Feral and balance tuning should be downright embarrassing for Blizz and how it why they are okay with the state these specs are in is a complete mystery.


Solar beam is situationally amazing but most of the time I’m watching casts go off and wishing I had a shorter interrupt CD. I don’t play on your level though.

It’s honestly pathetic how long it takes them to balance out the classes.

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I am sorry but boomy just isn’t ok in m+ right now.
The aoe damage just isn’t there. You will soon have 4pc dkt doing more overall damage than you in a m+ And there is just no utility to back that up.
We need to give honest feedback to the developers despite our passion to the class, assuming there is actually a Druid developer exist.


Unfortunately based on the tuning we have had i think this guy is correct.

Guys is there a reason they don’t just buff swipe/wrath by 1% every couple days until the differences are closer?

It’s weird that feral has such a bad reputation overall since like mop until now. Do they really not care that some of their customers are pitied by other paying customers?

Currently both Shred and Swipe have the same damage per energy spent (Shred is 46% AP, 40 energy. Swipe is 40.25% AP, 35 energy). They don’t want to buff Shred because they don’t want to buff their single target, so if you just keep increase Swipe you’ll end in a situation where outside of Berserk/stealth you’ll be using Swipe as your filler/builder ability.
It’s just the usual excuse of they don’t want to rebalance damage profiles, and they want the overwhelming majority of your damage (like 50%) to be your main spender (in this case Bite) and keep your builder’s damage low.

Because they’d need to buff Shred and BrS as well to make up for the difference so an AoE builder isn’t doing more damage than the ST builder otherwise it would render ST pointless.

And in doing that, they’d inadvertently buff ST even more which is what they want to avoid since it’s not our ST that’s the problem

Because I would say that’s just a bandaid fix and not really fixing baseline problems, we don’t want a situation like Classic Warlock where there’s only one button you should be hitting constantly to do the best damage and the rest of your skills are useless and a DPS loss to use.

One can hope that they have something planned for the next expansion for both Balance and Feral (maybe something like how Enhancement got a minor rework) since it seems like they’ve been getting changed constantly and just not able to get it settled into a good spot. Our bleeds making up more of our damage and PW being baseline would be a great start for Feral.

Yea I agree it would be a band aid but that’s kind of the intention. Feral has had its moments (wotlk) but it feels like the last 10 years it has been locked in as the most meme spec occasionally trading with enhance shaman. Just a shame when you see some classes never seem to have this problem for longer than a patch.


Yeah… and look at enhance and survival now. We almost had our time to shine too until blizz saw we weren’t bench material and nuked the 4pc into oblivion.


Feral is good at what it does, but its weaknesses are equally as big. Feral absolutely cranks on fights like Halondrus, and absolutely blows on any fight with a second target to hit.


I’m currently 11/11N 2/11H (I know, not great, but tbh I hate raiding) so I’ve done at least the normal version of all of the fights. Judging by those mechanics alone I could see where we fall off. I wasn’t 100% sure why we were benched from mythic anduin so much but like I said I’m assuming it’s because AoTD has to get mowed down. I still do a ton of priority damage on the ghost though, I was just assuming that it wasn’t enough.

You can definitely get some pretty decent funnel going, but it’s hard to keep track of when Rip is ticking vs your GCDs so that you (a) don’t waste procs and (b) don’t waste GCDs between ticks.

Plus swapping in Cache just for AoE pad seems kinda weird.

Edit: Doesn’t really matter though - plus complaining about a couple of fights being bad for Feral when we’re great at the other 8 (or they’re meaningless like Guardian) seems kinda weird.

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