Funny or Clever Character Names

I’ve always enjoyed this one :smiling_imp:


I’ve seen human warlock female named “Britneyfears”. I thought it was funny and clever.

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Common one on every server is Tauren named PigBenis.


No you didn’t.
That name is too long by 2 letters.


Saw a druid named Ketofriendly, lol’d

So many of these names are generic… why keep necroing this thread?

This is my thread,
Ok so I used to have a guild I created Called In Concert:
Every member had to have a band/singer name.
Hunter was SherylCrows
Druid was Brunostars
Priest was FlayCharles
Lock was FrankSidotra
Mage was VanillaIce.
More were in it but it’s been a long time and i dont remember

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Because, Kandlejack! We are tired of AV threads


mine were too offensive and got banned

AKA stupid adolescent character names that are funny to the sorts of people who find 1st-grade fart-jokes hilarious.

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I like this one

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Off topic, but, back in college I worked at an espresso stand on campus and I had some fun with my regulars who ordered lattes. Having lived in Italy, I was getting annoyed at how we Americanized latte so one day I started serving people who ordered one a cold glass of milk.

Of course, every one asked me why they got a glass of milk instead of the latte they ordered. When I pointed out I gave them exactly what they ordered, they’d retort that there’s no coffee in their drink.

“Oh!” I’d say. “You want a caffe latte. So sorry for the mix-up. You might want to specify that next time.”

Most didn’t find it funny, but enough got the joke that I didn’t feel too bad about being a dick for a day. :slight_smile:

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i believe my name is in order and why yes , i am rather xecksi.

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I always liked my name

Pigbenis made me laugh in real life


bossbaby - gnome warrior

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Hotsprockets - Gnome Warlock (think Hot Pockets jingle)

Gumshoes - Dwarf Rogue (old reference to pre-sneakers rubber soled shoes used by thieves, constables, and private investigators)

My name. :slight_smile:

lol sup its ali

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