What are some of the funniest or cleverest character names you’ve created or seen?
I remember hearing a guy talking about his priest / warrior duo.
The Undead priest was called Rattlecage
The Tauren warrior’s name was Cattlerage
I feel like these aren’t actually funny to most people but they’re both hilarious to me
First one was a male Tauren prot warrior named Bootystomp. When I saw his name the first thing I thought of was the Tauren racial, War Stomp. Instead of stomping the ground with his hooves, I think that Bootystomp stunned his enemies by slamming his booty on the ground. Just put a funny image in my mind, I guess.
Second one was a male human in a super skimpy transmog (iirc he had on a loincloth.) His name was… Fabibro. I feel like that one is super dumb but it made me laugh like crazy, honestly.
I liked Gnomechomsky. I’m sure I’ll think of more.
Omg that’s adorable!
I’ve made a warlock named Dyshexia
The other ones I’ve made were kinda cute, but that was my favorite.
My personal favorites are celebrity name puns which tie into the characters class and/or race. Bonus if they tie into a characters class and race.
For example: Tomshanks for a rogue.
Bonus example: Alsharptusk for a troll priest.
Sharp tusk = troll
The celebrity = Al Sharpton
Al Sharpton = a reverend AKA a priest
I’m not gonna tell you all of the ones I like though because I want to use them. I have a good one for every class except warrior and paladin because I won’t ever be playing either of those in Classic.
I had a female tauren on a PvP server named Lactate.
I would randomly open trade with people and hand them glasses of milk.
I got to level 26 before she was name flagged.
Omg that’s awesome!!!
Fun detected! Fun eliminated!
Aren’t people who report names just the worst? I mean let’s be real, none of them actually find your name offensive. They all just have a stick in their hind quarters.
Omg that’s hysterical!
Druid named HairyPawter
Druid named Menopaws
Gnome named metrognome
Gnome named Gnomercy
Gnome named ShouldaGnome
Warlock named Ellipsis
Oprahwindfury was the absolute best I’ve seen. Female Orc Shaman
Idiotwithgun is an honorable mention. Dwarf Hunter.
Back in BC days, I saw a Tauren Warrior running through Ghostlands called “Anguskhan”. It gave me a really good chuckle! Tauren players tend to have the best punny names.
I also remember a mage (I think) called
I made a mage called Portella
I’ll be rolling RP, hopefully RPPVP this time so I don’t mind listing old nonRP names I’ve either thought of, used or seen in game.
Tauren Shaman: Shammoo
Tauren Warrior: Bulldozer
UD Rogue: Deadend
Orc Shaman: Shorcman
Nelf Druid: Wildnight
Tauren Druid: Greenhorn
Gnome Warlock: Gnowarlomeck
Troll Hunter: Gunshy
Gnome Mage: Smallfry
Any WoW race Shaman: Shamwow
Nelf Warrior: Nightknight
I’ll try to remember more.
…oh yeah,
Disc Priest: Discjokey
Shadow Priest: Shadonai