Funny or Clever Character Names

Coming (so to speak) out of the Goldshire Inn - “Blueslut”

And I had a 'lock named Alohomora - which means “unlock”, of course.

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What are you saying? :stuck_out_tongue:

I named my Tauren after a local beer. And I’ve been using it ever since for a variety of games.

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I like my name…lol

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Especially because you can tell people to just call you Seidi :slight_smile:

Tabletopjoe, the charterer i am posting with.


In BC I was in a guild with two druids who always played together. Their names were beefmissile and thegentlestab. One got their name flagged somewhere in the 60s but not the other. That always confused me a little.

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I have a few funny names on this account, both on current and classic servers
Findmycrit-female orc warrior
Clawmageddon-feral druid (my favorite one)
Dethbysnusnu-my undead rogue
still need one more clever name, class related or not
I play on sulfuras pvp classic server, horde

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Bovinity - Tauren Shaman

Two names come to mind:

Leggomyaggro (might be just agro) on a warrior
Predator on a hunter whose pet is Alien.

Are you Lexi mage from Shadow Council or some other Lexi?

Hello there

I have an orc warrior named Sorefang.

I thought that was pretty clever.

Called one of my characters Maybeline. Chuckled to myself and made the character.

I called my pet Ladders


There’s a Druid on my server named:


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Undead guy on my server has this, and for whatever reason it makes me laugh and laugh

There used to be a Tauren druid on my retail server named “Youvegotmail” who would always sneak into the capitals just to get killed on top of the mailbox.


Realthugnwa. Best name I have made.

Also, Magerpain, but yeaaarrsss ago before everyone and their mother had it. I couldn’t even reserve it on classic in any form or variation because apparently it’s so popular, though I still have yet to see in anywhere.

So Dispenser was my second choice for mage.

Recently created a rogue named Pocketpogger. Personally it is a highly entertaining name. “Whats in them pockets? Ooooh POG a BOE!” is the idea behind it

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I saw DigBick the other day and LOL-ed. So silly but funny.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Also came across a lock Unstoppable. He was stoppable. :rofl::rofl::rofl: