Funnest melee?

For pvp? For pve?

I’m leveling a warrior and it seems rather meh so far.

I like having some utlity and support casts so I lean to paladin for most fun. its the dps than can do more than dps.

Rogue ties for first. Once my 85 gets weapons that don’t suck I can run some daggers to mix in sub/sin play. It break up combat play for me.

probably rogue, all 3 of their specs are being used pve in some capacity and they are a menace in pvp

warrior is very good also though

Warrior is probably the best melee for pve atm with arms but lacks in pvp

rogue ticks the box for both pve and pvp

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If you have never played warrior you should choose Pally…

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Enhance shaman is fun for PVE. Lots of things you can do. A little frustrating in PVP though because you get trained on since you don’t have any real defensive cds to speak of.

Ret paladin imo us the absolute worst melee. The whole thing jist feels like your just waiting for crusader strike to come off CD and its a horrible place to be.


Thats not what it feels like to me. Crusader strike has a short CD. Then theres Judgement, holy wrath, exorcism procs, and templars verdict.

I’ve only ever played warrior… but when the OP said meh… I felt like Pally was more to his taste… :sunglasses:

Lacks what specifically in PVP?

Warrior highest rated in 2s


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Im leveling warrior and loving it. I feel arms seems a bit advanced so its worth knowing macros, rotations and stats. Also, i didnt find it at all boring. Low levels was easy mode tanking snd that got me through outlands until i went full on arms.

I dont know why people insist on skipping tank specs for leveling. Quick dungeon queues is sweet.

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Not to mention all the utility…

If all hes doing is pressing Crusader Strike then dear god my suspicions about Ret players are more true than i even imagined.

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It’s all about flavor. Arms has a nice toolkit for just about everything. I’m glad you enjoy it.

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Drop crusader strike from your rotation and let me know how important you feel like it is to your dps.

If you want to just be a nusance and tunnel healers/casters a blood dk is stupid in pvp.

You wont kill things fast, but they will have a hard time killing you and you can be an annoyance to the enemy players.

Frost and UH also have good strengths in pvp depending on the situation.

Pve wise it is the best tank and a strong dps.

It also has a reactive playstyle with runes and energy.

Just like to point out Dekel isn’t a good example. He’s a known scripter for years, literally cheats.

In the tournament this weekend though the EU bracket had a warrior get 2nd place playing kittycleave. Adieu was his name I think


It’s still 2 warriors out of 5 healers and 5 dps in the top 10, and 8 warriors in the top 100 in 2s at the moment which doesn’t exactly scream “bad for PvP,” imo.

enhancement is the most fun for me it’s dynamic. dk is good if u like routine. the energy users seem resource-deprived. rage users tend to be good end game but not fury this time.

Post rotation