Fun Thread: Creation of new Emotes!

Hey guys, I thought I’d give another fun thread!
If you could create an emote in-game, what emote would you like to have!? :smiley:

For some examples:

  • The Fist Bump” — Typing /fistbump on a player and having them type /fistbump on you in return within a 5 second interval (and within a 5 yard range) — Will result in your characters casually walking up to eachother and fist pumping eachother.
  • The Juggle” – Your character juggles … Pretty self explanatory that one :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Albeit you could spice it up with WHAT you juggle – Verdant spheres, knives, the elements, totems, Mini-mana-bombs – You name it!
  • Popcorn” – Your character seemingly whips out a lawnchair from the abyss, falls back into it, whacks on some shades - pulls out some popcorn & starts munching.
  • Propose!” – Your character gets on one knee, pulls out a sparkling ring – and proposes.

Feel free to share what emotes of the above you’d love to see – and perhaps even a suggestion or few of your own! :partying_face:


/waggle - If you’re Tauren, Vulpera, Draenei or a Cat form druid, you can now do a tail wag.

(Disclaimer: Sorry Worgens :frowning: )


I’d give /fart a sound lol.

But make it so it can’t be horrendously spammed, give it like a 15 min cooldown lol.

Emotes are about goofing off and having fun.

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Yea i can see alot of people using this lol, maybe some random female toons

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There’s already that toy with a chest and a precious gem inside, I forget what it’s called.

But I assume it’s for the same idea- some sort of proposal toy.

I think it’s from Legion?

Would love to have some type of a /lean emote like ESO has.


Finger guns.
I would use it in response to pretty much everything.


You mean real emotes and not this “here’s some text in a box while your character stands there and does nothing” types of ones?

I want a /lean so I can lean against a wall like Flynn does.


anyone remember the name of this toy? sounds funny

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Yes! Exactly! :partying_face:

So :clap: Some of the good additions so far from above are:

  • /Lean
  • /Finger Guns
  • /Waggle (for our tailed folks)

Some others could be:

  • /Handstand (Your character does a handstand)
  • /invoke — For casters, where your character goes into their casting-animation with whatever prime power their current spec uses, holding such a perma-cast state until either cancelled or moved :yum:
  • /Book — Where your character pulls out a book & starts reading :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
  • /Ritualbook — where you go into the animation of what warlocks get with the Grimoire book animations, having the emote perma-channeling such until cancelled.
  • /Toast — Where you pull out a mug, toast it to the air & chug it down!
  • /Skulltoast — You pull out Milk … in a skull mug – and make a toast with such!
  • /Kneelflex — You know the meme of Barry kneeling over Oliver Queen’s tombstone? That.

Keep up the good suggestions guys! :grin:

  • /mog - Character gives target a once over look and emotes _______ likes your outfit!
  • /bark - (Worgen / Ghost wolf only) Character starts barking at the target. ______ barks at you! I have a macro to emote this at people with housecat mounts.
  • /sosexy - _______ slinks up beside you, looks deep into your eyes and offers you a nice bowl of healthy, nutritious fruit.

/Pattycake — If you and another player type such within 5 yards and a 5 second interval of one another, you both sit down and do pattycake with one another :partying_face:

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Yes this! Especially considering the npcs all over the place already that are posed in idle leaning positions.

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/cross to say “Playername crosses their fingers” for rolls.


Way to ruin the fun :slightly_frowning_face:

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Hit the Griddy - Typing /griddy would allow you to bust out the dance, and two step all over the other player’s corpse in PvP.

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Give a /lean — Like Flynn does, but a unique one → like /Leanteam for:

  • Hunters
  • Death Knights
  • Warlocks
  • and other pet / battle companion classes

Where if you have the right companion (for the animation) your pet and you can both lean against one another :yum:

It’d be cool to see a ghoul and DK casually lean against one another — or a Warlock and their Succubus lean against one another with their arms folded.

I’m on an RP server, so I’d love for them to take a few cues from FFXIV. Reading books, leaning on walls, changing your idle animation, carrying trays and things like that.

We have a lot of really good animations already in the game for that sort of thing, and I’d love some class and profession specific ones, like a mage stirring a levitating cauldron or studying from an arcane tome, or a rogue flipping a coin or twirling their knife.

It’s still insane to me that BFA and onwards is just full of lively NPCs, but players still get virtually nothing to express themselves.


Having the /Lean or the /Leanteam as per what I suggested above — for players to automatically do when AFK whilst with the right companions or near a wall, would be great :partying_face:

… Would also give a much cooler immersion to the world amongst AFK players, as opposed to walking pass masses of players sitting on the ground like a bunch of hobos. :joy: Haha

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