Fun Thread: Creation of new Emotes!

At least they’re adding toys and potions and stuff to add more RP elements! Maybe we’ll see better emotes soon enough, too.

Yeah, but sadly most toys have really silly long cooldowns or aren’t useable in places that’re a bit odd they can’t be utilised in. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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The Siren Isle ones have mostly been really good, and a lot of the Undermine ones are shaping up to be nice. So far my only complaint is with the new lawn chair, it has a unique sitting animation but only lasts for 2 minutes at a time which is a weird choice. :rofl:

I’d like something for those moments where you wipe a group and everyone is staring at you. /Sheepish, maybe? You look down, toe the dirt, and tap your fingertips together.

There was an emote in Dark Souls… 2 maybe? Man, I don’t recall. But it inspired me to want some kind of “yeah, that was all me, baby” type emote. /Showoff, perhaps? A good emote for when you save the day. Throw out your arms, then two thumbs to your chest with a big ol’ grin.


I visualized this perfectly and also don’t remember which one it was.

Since /blush and /shy share an animation, they could use this for shy!


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I’d bring back /spit and give it sound plus the motion.

I’d like a fist bump idea and popcorn as well.