I would LIKE to see a couple FUN races added to this game. Starting with Murlocs! HOW fun would that be seeing that thing flail in the air shooting an ice bolt and flying backwards form the repercussion? Transmog into one and try the training dummies. it’s fun. Now add a couple other effects and it’s perfect. I like the way a bunch of smaller murlocs run at the target. Every time they add a race - there’s always some heavy drama or seriousness to it. the only conversations the murlocs have is “merrgallllgrrrrglllmmmrrrglll”. as the story line progresses and they ask you for your input - that’s all you tell them. When you sign those embassy forms - that’s all you tell them as your choice.
Murlocs, Niffen, Grummles, Kobolds, Tuskarr.
Geif, geif, geif.
My husband wants Philosophical Murlocs. So when they use Mrgl and we see that in chat, there’s also subtitles that are translated into wise sayings.
Toss in a crab mount and mustache option during character creation and I’ll love them forever.
They really ran with the Murloc themes of late and kudos to Blizzard for that. The all-murloc realm (and how it came to be) was a hysterical bit in the game.
Given there’s a few murloc NPCs in DF and possibly TWW, I agree, it’s time for Murlocs!
I love the Murloc transform wands and the toy. Just last night my friend and I transformed into Murlocs and danced while we waited for the Theatre to start and ran around during the event as Murlocs until we got transformed into Earthen for the performance.
It’s just fun. Though I wonder if they became mainstream if the fun would continue.
Suggestion for folks to feedback on: Murloc day!
Have April 1st transform everyone into a Murloc for the day. All toons, etc. Let Azeroth turn into the Murloc alternate universe.
ive been asking for murlocs to be playable for years…
they could be a neutral faction as the horde could start around brill area lake and the alliance could start around - outside goldshire lake
i even suggested the mount could be a snail and people loved that.
I had some racials i suggested like “slippery” to add to dodge and boost to swim speed.
classes i suggested were shaman and paladin (i still love the frogluk paladin from eq days) hehe and of course those dreaded rogues with the backstabs and mages with backflipping casting animations
Tuskarr, is another race that needs to be added as a playable race.
…it’s never time for Murlocs.
Humorous trash mobs is what they should always be. Sure, use the toy and Murloc the raid for laughs if you’re into that but as I’ve witnessed and experienced it gets tired fast.
So I’m just saying I disagree with your assertion of the time.
i want a whole new faction: the expac would be Azeroth Strikes Back
Playable races:
I want to play as a Goren.
Not because of lore or anything, I just want to roll around and eat rocks.
People say stuff like this because it’d be neat to see and don’t think about how Blizzard would need to the rest of the games life maintaining updates for a race that would see less player use than a single blood elf hair style.
Fel Elves, San’layn, Highborn, High Elves (proper), and Dark Elves.