Fun Fact of the Night

i want to say no one is that stupid… but I am sure their is…

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Fun fact:

Vacuum tubes were actually very reliable and actually better at what they do well than transistors are and are still in common use (you have a microwave which has a vacuum tube in it).

Edit: What made vacuum tubes unreliable were actually the paper and foil caps in use at the time which had a bad habit of turning into resistors… and then burning out the plate wires of the tubes.

I appreciate it.
Always joked with my wife about what the dog must have seen when looking at things.
The fact that she is an artist and often talks about colors and patterns made it a bit more fun.
Loved pointing at something and going "Ooh, look at all those colors! Grey, and dark grey and even some lighter greys.

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Fun fact:. Daddy long legs are actually not spiders at all but closer related to mites.

They also don’t have fangs but mouth parts more that of a scorpion or crab and have no venom so the myth of them being the world’s deadliest spider is 100% false.

They eat small insects and decaying matter and in the fall cluster together in undercover for warmth in hugs masses that look like clumps of hair.

There are only half as many spots on your mirror as you think there are.


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Wait, seriously? I knew that women had better peripheral view than men, but I didn’t know about that, does that mean women see the world more vivid or something?

Another bug fact termite king and queens are one of the few social insects where the male lives after breeding and pair for life. They both can live 25-50 years.

Also termites are related to cockroaches and if the king or queen dies a pheromone is released to where a worker can turn into a new queen or king “clone” and continue the colony.

Why termites are so difficult to eliminate.

Well, to be fair, jokes are easily missed when they aren’t scientifically accurate to begin with. Jokes need to have some nugget of truth to them. Otherwise, they don’t land.

Thanks for the lesson. I didn’t know about the colors they actually could see. Though I guess this makes worgen the absolute worst race for killing Horde.

“If it’s red, it’s dead!”
“… what the hell is ‘red?’”

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Men’s eyes see movement better and womans see color better.

it is thought because in OLD times women were the gatherers and men were the hunters on why biology evolved this way.

this is also why it is thought men love video games with heavy movement and woman like colorful ones.

(i know stereotype, but woman play facebook games men play call of duty ON AVERAGE)

that’s not to say one can’t do the other.


Literally like the 50th time I’ve seen this and literally again I only ever see white and gold.

All you black and blue people are lying. Swear to god.

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peoples eyes that see White/gold > Black/blue people?

(i know this joke is probably putting me on the edge for some)

Fun fact.

There are in fact fresh water jellyfish.
They are not like their kin. You will find them in fresh water such as lakes and reservoirs.
They do not sting,I repeat they do not sting.

They feed off of bacterias in water.

Fun fact - entomologicly the word fun originally mean “to cheat” or “trick”

So if your having fun, either your cheating someone or fooling yourself.

I’m a vat of useless information so here’s a bunch:

  • The seeds/pits of apples, peaches, apricots, and cherries all contain cyanide (a bunch of other fruits as well). It’s not a lot though, it would take like a cup of crushed apple seeds to poison someone which is a lot…but not that much.
  • The immortal jellyfish is biologically immortal. At the end of its life cycle it can basically start over and repeat indefinitely.
  • The word for mother begins with the letter “M” in the vast majority of languages.
  • Ducks have a 360 degree field of vision
  • In Portugal, Denmark, and a few other countries, when you name a child you have to select one from a government issued list.
  • The “H” in Neanderthal is supposed to be silent.
  • The “E” in Forte is supposed to be silent if you mean something is your strength.
  • John Fogerty, the lead singer of CCR, once got sued for plagiarizing himself. An old record label who owned the copyright to one of his songs sued a newer song of a different label claiming it sounded too much alike. The record company lost.
  • Most analog clocks in magazines, advertisements, and from the factory are set at 10:10, supposedly for aesthetic reasons.
  • If you multiply 4 by the series (1-⅓+⅕-⅐+⅑…) it equals pi. It converges slowly though.
  • A green bell pepper is just an unripe red bell pepper. (maybe this one is obvious but it never occurred to me).
  • Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, the first four books of the new testament which detail the life and death of Jesus aren’t written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. We have no idea who wrote them.
  • Ambivalent does NOT mean indifferent or you don’t care. If you are ambivalent you have definite feelings toward something, just opposing/contradictory feelings. For example, you might be ambivalent toward exercise. On the one hand you like how it improves your health/physique, but you also hate the act of doing it.
  • Time isn’t objective. The faster you move the slower time runs for you in reference to someone at rest.
  • Celery doesn’t have negative calories.
  • QWERTY keyboard was not designed to slow down typists on typewriters. The real reason is something to do with its history that I can’t remember…something to do with it just being designed that way from previous iterations. Sean Wrona, a typist (probably fastest in the world or maybe no.2 now) researched this for a book he wrote about the history of typing and he sent me an article once explaining it. You probably won’t be able to confirm this on google but I’m 100% certain this is true.

Did you know gaming: You cant spell slaughter without spelling laughter.

I think I read that it was conjectured that this is because the letter M is one of the first sounds a baby makes.

Yeah, same.

I thought of another fun fact…

When male honeybees climax their test1cles explode and they die.

Rainbows to them are grey, gray, greigh and infra-gray


That is still hotly debated among biblical scholars. It is not a foregone conclusion. But there is a good chance that John the apostle did not write the Gospel of John, but some other guy named John.

It’s not contested. Even conservative biblical scholars acknowledge their anonymity.

Our earliest external attestations to the gospels treat them as anonymous and don’t refer to them by matthew/mark/luke/john. Just think how odd that is. Imagine talking about and referring to a book without mentioning its title. It’s almost hard to do even if you’re trying.

Furthermore, they are internally anonymous, they never refer to themselves within the gospels which was conventional for ancient epistles.

The original koine greek used the preposition kata for the gospel titles which isn’t how authors titled things.

That’s just some of the many reasons that it’s pretty much agreed among scholars that the gospels are anonymous. You can find a dissenting voice, but you can also find scholars that argue Jesus never even existed.