Fun Fact of the Night

Maldraxxus is the only place you are meant to be able to die in a duel!

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My fun fact of the night is that the fax machine predates the telephone.

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How about the fact that a samurai could have sent Lincoln a fax?

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Or that Hitler, Marx, Trotsky, Stalin, Franz Ferdinand and Freud all lived a short walk from each other in Vienna in 1913.


Fun fact, kangaroos can’t jump backwards.

Fun fact, you can’t hum if you hold your nose closed.


Fun fact, everyone just tried.


I confess…I tried.

Just like the time I found out that you cant lick your elbows


The Roman’s used crushed mouse brains for toothpaste.

Fun fact. This dress is black and blue.


I really never understood the confusion about this photo. White and gold? Black and blue? Neither are correct.

The dress is obviously black and white.

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Fun fact: Velociraptors were the size of turkeys and probably had feathers.

Tauren can’t go down stairs!

That’s why Alliance cities have so many steps. Lol

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Fun fact. Maintenance day always brings complaint posts about downtime.

no it’s White and gold!!!
(I know the joke, but it’s LITERALLY white and gold for my eyes)

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it’s because the colors are the very edge of the spectrum/has both colors in it but certain eyes pick up one over the other depending if they have more receptors picking up on a specific color.

people see different colors. as no human eye see’s color exactly the same, some people see certain colors better etc… (woman in general see color better then men)

<— Am dog.

Sorry. Sometimes I forget that I’m the only one that finds me funny.

this fits me… I totally missed your joke…

technically dogs do see in color, black n white is a myth, they just see in less color.

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Fun Fact, Czar Nicholas II, Kaiser Wilhelm and King George V were all cousins.

Also, Nicholas and George looked so much alike, people have trouble telling them apart.

Fun Fact: It’s not illegal to drop kick Moose in Canada. But it’s not legal either. So you know, your call…