Alright Ladies and Gents, here we go again…
I have been playing this game since day 1, with a year off starting mid Draenor through some of BfA. I have held every guild position i think possible… GM, Asst GM, Class officer, Officer Liason, Raid Leader, and yes… even babysitter. the one role in a guild i never seem to have spent much time in is Member. and that is what im looking for.
Specifically to be a member of an ADULT guild, preferably with a base in the 30-50 range, who understand humor, sarcasm, dirty jokes at times, and just plain having fun. I am a social person, and a social player, in game i am into pretty much everything from PVP to Raiding to Questing, basically everything the game has to offer interests me… except pokemon, i leave that to others lol.
Being a social player i am driven more by community than anything else, and i tend to make myself known within that community for helping people level or farm mats, donating and participating in guild activities, showing new folks the ropes of the game, even exploring in groups, and coming to the aid of guildies being ganked by the enemy, and enjoying conversations and the company of good folks along the way. (even enjoy the dreaded Lore discussion)
I (of course) have several toons, this mage not being my main, and am able to work up pretty much whatever role we would need to, gear isn’t tough right now
Mostly what i am looking for in a guild is a place i can be proud of, a place to call home. i do NOT care about your mythic progression omg we are leet 8/9. i am here to enjoy the game, not have a job. i do enjoy progression, but not at the expense of fun.
I am on most of the time, and can check back here often, so please, leave me a note if you have some space, or a corner for me to toss a bedroll out, and i will get back to you!
Thank you for your time!
Edit: would definately prefer horde as that’s me… hordie to the bone