Full time retail player once again

That simplicity concept is what makes it fun. You forget players are competitors and like to compete. Even in pve players want to know how much dps they pushed out even against their allies,

Seems absurd to hate one but not the other, since they’re both just different flavors of WoW. They appeal to different camps: old school nostalgia and modern e-sport convenience. I like playing the more arcadey modern WoW better, but I totally get what people who want to stick with the original. I do that with a lot of games—don’t care about the new Marios or Zeldas or Pokemons, I just play the originals on NES and SNES (and GB) over and over.

How is knowing that you straight up can’t beat certain classes fun?

Not really that’s a common misconception. It really boils down to “git gud”

The best pvp videos come from players who played dead specs. Like right now, I’m seeing lots of arms/fury warriors. I am seeing a lot of ret pallys, one on my server actually has ever BEST PIECE OF GEAR a ret pally could ever have at its current state, even the hand of sulfuras! Pretty cool stuff.

I’ve seen boomkins in raids and doing good dps. I’ve seen warriors nuke frost mages.

I like classic because there’s no really right or wrong way to play the game, there is room to explore and be creative but not lack.


How is this different from retail though?

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Unless you want to play a shadow priest, then they’ll just straight up not invite you to anything unfortunately.

Because there’s no room to get creative, instead of putting a puzzle together yourself, its already done for you.

Not true again. My friend is a shadow priest and is in raid team 1 for progression. Just about player skill rather then gear in all honesty.

Ah. Basically before Classic opened people were threatening not to invite me to stuff as a shadow priest. It’s why I settled on warlock.

Nah just ignore em! Play how you like you’ll find a place:). But warlock is super fun too!! My alt is one :smiley:

My goal would have been to clear Naxx and get an Atiesh. I just wasn’t confident in my ability to find a group capable of that as a shadow priest.

Well it’s like when you face against an Arena comp that’s supposed to stomp you and you pull out a win. If someone is doing the bare minimum against someone who is going full tryhard it’s more than likely that they’ll be able to pull out a win even if they’re at a class disadvantage.

Still lots of time till naxx! You can do it don’t worry:) ima try to get my lock to 60 by March! Taking my sweet sweet time lol!!

Just doubt I’d be able to find a good guild to do stuff with. One that will actually go out of their way to help one of their own, and not leave them stranded in the middle of Dustwallow Marsh with an elite demon to kill on their own for their class quest.

Anyhow I’m good on that. Just accepted that Classic isn’t my thing.

Oh no way dude haha. I’ve met countless of people that came and helped my warrior bum:) a 60 came and helped me get whirlwind axe! He killed horde trying to gank me and scared off groups.

I’ve seen so many guilds go out of their way to help a pug person feel welcomed into the raid, and helped new members the gear they need.

Even now my guild is crafting one of our new tanks FR gear on the house:)

If you’re really nice to people and help people out, your name will be thrown around! And people will call upon you for help or want to help you! ;D. Kinda what has happened to me!

Not that I’m FAMOUS! But I’m pretty well known on Sulfuras. People really show me love and kindness back, it’s the only reason I play classic still haha.

People I haven’t done a dungeon with since stockades still remember me and ask me to tank for em at 60:). Or I’ll join a pug because I can’t make my guilds and someone will recognize me!

It’s a real treat and it brings a huge smile on my face! ;D

What goes around comes around, that’s the real truth with classic.

Tried that route as well. Just helped random people everywhere I could, hoping that it’ll come back to be paid forward later. Speaking of that whirlwind weapon quest, I probably killed Cyclonian about 5 times on my warlock. Not even joking. I’d be in Hillsbrad grinding ogres, some warrior would ask for help, I’d ride over and lend a hand.

First days of the server I’d hand out food, healthstones and low level potions from farming meats/herbs in Elwynn for free while leveling cooking/alchemy.

No one cared about anything I did for them, and getting help to do stuff even from my guild was like pulling teeth. I finally outleveled most of the elite quests in my log and soloed them after a point. And then I hit 42, hit Tanaris for the first time, got a ton more elite quests in my log, realized another round of depression and frustration was coming, and I was just “screw it, I’m done”. If I’m gonna have to solo everything, might as well go to the side of the game with all the meaningful solo content.

I tried to play on the classic servers myself, but I couldn’t go far cause I did all of that when the game first launched so been there done that syndrome.

I mainly play retail since I can always find something new to do, but if you really want something else to do try some FFXIV to break the monotony which is something I do on the regular.

people still do rated BGs? ive honestly looked through the LFG tab and didn’t see anything though that might had something to do with the time I was looking for them though.

I didn’t see anything like that in classic…

I get the feeling were not getting the whole story with this one…

if you die within a stun you are terrible, coming from a terrible player that does not die within a stun.