I know right. When they released Torghast buffed up before it was fixed thanks to my Alt F4 thread. I literally Alt F4 and did something healthy instead of that garbage they thought was fun.
You as a paying customer always have an option. I’d Alt F4 all day then play my other game if I couldn’t just leave a BG. Log back in Que again. This is a Dev problem they need to fix and people trying to deflect that aren’t helping the problem.
I just got backfilled into WG so I fished for 20 mins and made Lemonade out of lemons. I watched close to 50 ppl back fill and leave instantly in my time fishing. There are incredibly simple solutions to this problem.
- 1- When Que pop it notifies you that you are backfilling so you can accept or decline
- 2 - Blacklisting so people have control over BGs they rather peel off their skin then participate in.
This isn’t complicated.