Full Screen and V/Sync crash bug fix

Hey everyone, just wanted to let everyone know if there isn’t already a fix out there.
There’s a bug where if you go from windowed to windowed full screen/vice versa or enable/disable vsync the game will crash.
Tried many different computers, combinations and config changes but the only thing that seems to work 100% of the time is just making sure the wow exe in the directory has compatibility on for windows 7.

I’m sure this bug is only for windows 10, have not tried running Classic on windows 7 before.


Just tried it and it works! I went ahead and right clicked the WowClassic.exe and set it to Windows 7 mode under the compatibility tab! I was able to change V-sync! No more having to close Discord to change my settings or Config.wtf edits! You are literally the best!

I’ve been having a similar issue with the retail client and this appears to have fixed it for me.


i think retail just fixes everything, like they removed ret paladins big pog