Full level scaling

I am really on the fence about Dragonflight after the last few expansions. I think the reason is because I won’t have any other options than to play the Dragonflight content between 60 and 70.

I think, if the entire game world scaled up to level 70, I would be less apprehensive about dropping $50 on Dragonflight because I would be able to ignore it and do something else if the expansion ends up being as bad as the last two.


You’re not paying $50 to go do legion content, you’re paying to play the next expansions end game content

Cap yourself to 45 and hopefully you’ll find people to do LFR antorus after being in queue for 6 days or something


I’m willing to try the new expansion. I just don’t want to be limited to that content to get to max level. I’ve been capping my alts at 49 because I genuinely dislike Shadowlands that much. I’d just rather not have to do that.


If I had to guess, 60-70 is going to be done exclusively in Dragonflight zones. I would be very surprised if they weren’t, just based on how every expansion has been done previously.

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Make an option to opt out of level scaling entirely and an option to go to max level in chromie time.

Would be perfection


I’m honestly indifferent, but I don’t see Blizzard doing that. They like to justify the effort put into new content – levelling zones, in this instance, by making players do them at the expense of older content.

Theyll never do it right off the rip

Should he unlocked after maxxing 3 characters as a compromise though

Older content should not take anyone up to the latest max level.

THat is a big reason for buying the new content , the leveling experience . If they are going to make it so all content can take you from lvl1 to max lvl it entices them to not create more content and put the game into full on maintenance mode.

The level scaling is fine where it is at now . YOu can level pretty much in any xpac from 10 to 50 right now and 10 to 60 when DF lauches due to Chromie Time.

This. It’s a fair compromise.

Dragonflight could have the most amazing zones, and I might love dragon riding. But leveling several alts through the same zones can get really tedious.

I think this idea is silly. If you dislike the new expac so much, why would you pay money for the expac and not play it?

i’m excited for dragonflight, but i totally get where your coming from. when your left with only the new content to do, you kinda just… get bored after a while. would be nice if we had the option to do older stuff instead if we want.

like, right now? would love if i could level my 50-60 toons in the other expansions instead of shadowlands. but… instead, i’m stuck having to wait till DF comes out to do that… then they’ll be stuck in dragonflight stuff.

I despise level scaling. It’s one of the things that ruins this game for me. Maybe it’s fun in old content while leveling a new character, but it sucks in current content. Never feeling stronger as you level in new content entirely sucks.


If I don’t like it. If I like it, I’ll play it.

I don’t see them putting forth all that effort into it just to be skippible.

No sir that is not something I ever anticipate happening

Yeah, probably not. Blizzard has been uniquely obsessed with making sure players “see the content”.

I think how they should handle it is this. You HAVE to level 1 character through dragonflight 60-70. Complete the story achievement. Once that is done you unlock chromie time for 60-70. Meaning you can level 1-70 anywhere. That way blizzard gets people to do their newest content at least once. Then people can make their own CHOICE on where to level all of their ALTS.

I HATE leveling 50-60 in shadowlands. I hate it so much i’ve quit a few times during this expansion just because I hate the idea of leveling another alt through that content. My enjoyment for leveling is classic random dungeons, and WotLK zones, sometimes some pandaia, sometimes legion. I should have the choice on where to level, in content I LOVE. Not be forced into content I HATE HATE HATE!

Also leveling 60-70 in the same 1 expansion is going to get sooooooooooooo stale multiple times, even if it is awesomesauce. I can see myself quitting again after a few alts get to level cap, yet again.

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Cause you might have one of each class you just want to get to endgame and dont want to bother doing the same zones ad nauseam

Well yeah, they have spent years working on it. Of course they want you to see it. Why would you think any different?

They aren’t “uniquely obsessed” with it. Every company does this. Why waste the time and money if no one is going to play the stuff you spent years working on it?

Is it specifically the option to level to cap with any expansion that you’re asking for, or for all old end game expansion content to be made relevant and scaled at level 70?

The former is, in my mind, reasonable and very doable. The latter is insane.