Full level scaling

It’s simple… Go play classic and once you get bored there go to TBC classic etc. Absolutely NO to full level scaling. This game is already borked thanks to the scaling they have already done and cant seem to competently fix.

Besides that i want to faceroll old content not beat my face off a wall.

bro thats only 10 levels who cares? the other 60 you can do whatever you want.

imagine if you could level in any expansion/zone. you’d never seen anyone. it’s already bad enough. I disagree with blizzard a lot but funneling people into the same zones for current content is probably for the best.

Nah,that would ruin the exploration and max level is 70 ten levels would kill most players in the game ,if they don’t group and we know actually how that goes.

People don’t see any of the content if they don’t buy the product because the developers can’t see the forest for the trees. WoW is far from being the only product asking for our money.

I don’t think that would actually happen. ESO uses a quasi-level scaling system and the new expansion zones are typically the most heavily populated regardless. I think WoW would be fine. The bulk of the playerbase will most likely want to do the new stuff no matter what.

absolutely. Even if another expansion was faster (prob WoD?), I’d still want to see the new continent. Idk, still would feel weird seeing players race to level cap in Westfall or some other random zone.

It’s really not that weird. After playing ESO for about 5 years, it all just becomes different zones. Not “end game” or “leveling”. Just wherever people happen to enjoy exploring the most at the moment.

It’s an absolute waste of good content not having ALL of it scale to your level. Imagine the options we’d have to play if we could go anywhere and do any content and it would be challenging and progressive. Blizzard, you’re just wasting your content! You offer level boosts so nobody is playing the old content. I’d love to get my friends together and go do Deadmines or Scarlet Monastery (classic versions) again with my level 70 character and find loot (make it random drops rather than predetermined drops by boss).

Such a waste. This game could be so much more. Stupid developers.