Never saw that quest, so maybe its an idea that’s been around for awhile.
But the fact that it’s grouped under Steamwheedle reputations and the fact that the wiki (sourced from the old ultimate visual guide) says they’re closely affiliated with Steamwheedle is probably why I (and I feel most people) assume they were a sub group of steamwheedle.
Because of that, I like to think that the AU’s where Garrosh was a great leader are those that Thrall actually listened to Garrosh and chose someone else. Like Cairne, Vol’jin, Saurfang or Eitrigg to become Warchief instead. Give Garrosh more time to become the leader Thrall wanted him to be.
They would’ve labled it “Goblin holdings” or something like that, and like I said, the UVG says they were affiliated. Clearly, something has changed over time in Blizzard’s thinking, but it wasn’t made clear until now.
Not the biggest deal, but I wonder if it’ll be explained more clearly in the leadup to the patch.
For the players, the people sitting at their computers. It seemed pretty obvious to me after going through the starting zone that dark, dystopian comedy was the goblins’ thing.
Super stoked for Undermine, Goblins are some of my favorite for the levity they bring and it’s long overdue that they get some actual lore that is beyond various trade dealings and hilarious side-quests.
I hope Gallywix isn’t kaput, hoping for a very cartoon villain ‘I’LL GET YOU NEXT TIME, GADGET!’ situation where he ends up some derelict hobo like the Topper McNabb of Orgrimmar. Keeping him around would be more fun than killing him outright.
I wouldn’t say I wanted Gallywix to have a redemption arc per se, but, I dunno. I guess I just wanted his crimes to be as excusable as anyone else’s because he’s at least more entertaining than a lot of the other criminals the game wants me to work with. I hope he stays alive, at least.