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I’m going to be honest. I’m leveling my goblin hunter next purely because she’s been waiting ten plus years for this.

Boss Mida should have been the leader all along.


killing our own leaders
it’s horde tradition


Gallywix never should have been the leader after the stuff he pulled in the starting zone anyway. Baffling to me that people just accepted that, both in universe and out.


So true!

I’m starting to think goblin mains are fine beating up Gallywix. :robot::thought_balloon:


His character though is fantastic. I do hope he pulls a Sunday morning cartoon villain and just runs off until next time


Oh, sure. I have no objection to him becoming a recurring villain. It’s just silly for people to pretend like his villainy is some kind of offense against The Horde.

Between him and Garrosh, I think it’s safe to say that one of Thrall’s primary character flaws is that he’s terrible at mapping out the implications of handing power to the wrong people. Which is actually an interesting thing to explore. WoW’s story is obsessed with the trope of “The guy who least wants power is the one who most deserves it,” but it rarely touches on the flip side of that, which is “It’s incredibly irresponsible for a good guy to cede power because doing so inevitably gives it to the bad guys.”


I am going to miss that glorious goblin.

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It doesn’t work that way. For me, anyway.

Aren’t they already separate reps?

The Blackwater Raiders run Booty Bay, and in the reputation menu the Booty Bay rep is under the Steamwheedle submenu. On the other hand, this quest from Cata does call them a cartel of their own: https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Prepare_for_Takeoff

I guess you could argue it’s a Steamwheedle town with a different company managing it? But that seems really weird.


Yeah as someone who left during Wrath and came back in Legion I felt his presence was confounding, especially after playing the Goblin intro.

Because that seems to be leading to Thrall naming the player the new Bilgewater leader. But I guess they realized how silly that would be. So they went with Gallywix which isn’t so much silly as it is insane. But this is the same Thrall that made his rage case nephew Emperor For Life so shrug.

Do hope he survives though. WoW could use more lower scale reoccuring villains to do battle with.


Rumor has it that was the original plan.


Thrall must have been high to look at that situation and think putting Gallywix back in charge was a good solution. He sold the people he was meant to lead into slavery to turn a profit on the destruction of their home. You’d think Thrall would take more issue with that given his history.


Very well put. The only thing strange about him being a raid boss is that it’s taken this long. His intro in Cata practically screamed “I will be a dungeon or raid boss at some point”.


I feel like he could, he seems crafty…

I agree with Benediktion that the whole thing seemed to be prepping the player as the new leader until they suddenly swerved at the last minute when they realized that wouldn’t work. But they swerved into a choice that still made no sense. Personally I would have chosen Sassy Hardwrench, the player’s secretary who helps out a lot during the questline. If I remember right most of the plan to stop Gallywix was her idea, actually.

Back on the old Cata forums there was actually a long-running thread of people wanting a different leader for Bilgewater, and they ended up communally making their own goblin OC who actually got put into the game. All she does is walk around the goblin district in Org though. https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Boss_Mida


A person on this forum told me, that it was pretty much impossible for Gallywix not to have remained the leader of the Bilgewater Cartel in Cata. If Sassy or the player got in charge, they would’ve gotten assassinated. Even Gazlowe was scared, in his short story, despite having Thrall’s full support. Gallywix was good at making money, and that’s all that mattered.

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Blame Thrall.

It was dark comedy, which is the goblin vibe.