Gallywix. His time has come. Pour one out for our favorite fat goblin bastard.
Also, Undermine thoughts.
Blackwater is now suddenly a seperate cartel from Steamwheedle. I wonder if they’ll explain this as them having split off at some point or is this a retcon.
Also, Venture Co. is now a full cartel as well. Was it always supposed to be or is this new? Baron Razdunk wasn’t considered a full trade prince in BFA so this seems a bit weird unless its a new thing.
It’s been called a Cartel since at least Cata.
You may have heard of the Venture Company. They are a goblin “cartel”, something like a tribe.
News to me. I wonder why Mogul Razdunk wasn’t considered a real trade prince then.
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We know that we fight him, but it doesn’t mean that we kill him. After all if we’ve had bosses survive raid fights before.
I wonder that too.
True, I’d love for him to end up being taken into custody by the Horde just to have him floating around as a character who could appear later.
The dichotomy of “Man I’ve been looking forward to stabbing this green fat fudger for SO LONG NOW” and “Welp there goes another Horde character as a raid boss”
“Not so fast, High Stinker!”
He’s been an openly villainous character since his introduction in Cataclysm. Finally getting to punch his lights out will feel good, especially for Goblin characters. Just hope he doesn’t die, personally. He’s funny enough to stick around.
Any word on Ratso Steamweedle? 

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Steamweedle is one of the four cartels involved but they didn’t name that character specifically.
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It’s the closest name we got to the goblin leader of the second war against Gelbin, was hoping the conclusion for the Steamweedle story should make an appearance. My two bolts. 

Holding out hope he survives in some capacity. Tone deaf Horde considerations aside, he is too interesting a character to waste on loot piñatadom.
Sigh. Well, let’s get it over with.
I have a goblin character, but I’m not going to enjoy it. I’ve had it up to here with Horde leaders and former leaders as raid bosses.
MY hero cannot be killed! He is the manifestation of greed is good and capitalism is great! How dare our green skinned hero be brought low? Goblins need no unions! Goblins need no regulations or ethics! The hero of all that is selfish, cruel and exploitative should never be a raid boss! Gallywix has to survive this patch! He is of course all that goblins represent!
Don’t anyone here support the union rabble and the anticorruption types! UNLESS THEY’RE BOUGHT and PAID for by SPECIAL INTERESTS! Don’t ask who they are… they’re nobody you need to know!

I’ve been emotionally preparing for this day ever since he was ousted in the same fell swoop as Sylvanas and Nathanos. Still sucks. Still stings.
Rest of the patch does look amazing though.
I think ya’ll have gotten it the wrong way around. Gallywix isn’t a Horde Leader being made into an enemy. He’s an enemy that somehow stumbled into being a Horde leader.
The fact that Xal’atath coming for the Azerite of Kezan suggests that she needs Arcane not Void and that the Dark Heart is intended to convert all to Arcane though since it is broken there is only Shadow-tainted Arcane and Death which in it’s state is useless.
What does Xal’atath need Arcane for and why is it being tainted with Death & Shadow so bad for her plan? Do the Naaru, Azshara or Haranir need it for something with her being the broker for selling it so that she can gain access to the Worldcore with Shadow or Death being the one thing they reject outright forcing her to abandon the Dark Heart?
Will Xal’atath offer the Azerite to Azshara only for Azshara to demand the Dark Heart and get hit with the Void’s agonizing pain(she shrieked when brought in contact with a Void orb in Ny’alotha) and visions and be forced to gouge out her eyes and howl for the Light-infused Arcane of Azerite she once despised in the deal instead only for Xal’atath to take the Azerite for herself?
There was a solid stretch of years I really liked Gallywix, maybe from Cata’s end to Legion’s. I still remember that short story about the reality rewriting scroll, and how he knew better than to hand ultimate power to a corrupt warchief. Funny how it all turns out…
He’s getting ousted as a Dreadlord finally.