Frustration with VElves and Nightborne

Yeah, but Night Elf mages are still heavily monitored by the Sisterhood. Nelf mages probably more closely resemble Arcane Clerics, rather than Wizards.

Not if the process used to do so disrupts the Balance and makes a mockery of life.

Which is stupid.

Which is stupid.

I did not say they did.


Yes you did, since you said in your post, the Nightborne had joined the faction “that decimated your people.”


The Night Elves.

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There was a passage in Elegy that I think is most fitting to how it probably feels for Night Elf Mages in current events:

    When a portal whirled open, the normally reserved night elves cheered. The magi who stepped through, who until this moment had only cautiously been made welcome in Darnassus, smiled in surprise. The cheers swelled when they each opened another portal—and reached a crescendo as, over the course of several minutes (and with not a few interruptions), a dozen bears, birds, and nightsabers came through.

I think with the events of Ashenvale and Darkshore that Night Elf Mages are integrated a lot more wholistically into Night Elf society now.


I always felt like nightborne were 50% night elf and 50% blood elf. Physical appearance wise, they share a lot of similarities with their night elven kin. The nightborne seemed like they related more with the blood elves though. Both races struggled with handling their addiction and ended up turning to withered/wretched. Both had a leader who turned to the burning legion and screwed their respective races over. Blood elves and nightborne both seem very sophisticated and enjoy the use of magic. Night elves have always been weary of magic use, even though they allowed the practice of magic to come back into their society.

I feel for you though. I understand that if you’re really into night elves and only want to play Alliance, then it does stink that nightborne went horde. Nightborne could have easily been a neutral race imo (which is something I don’t think they want to do ever again after pandaren). But I think void elves going Alliance is what also helped Blizzard in making their decision to have Nightborne go Horde. They were really making Tyrande seem a little mean at times to the Nightborne, whereas they portrayed Lady Liadrin as much more kind and accepting. This was probably in the works for a while. This was their way of giving Alliance their “high elf” model. Both factions now share all elven and pandaren models.

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That doesn’t really refute my point. They are still restricted to practice in the Temple of the Moon, and Arcane is still banned as an academic practice. So Kaldorei mages are more like Arcane Clerics, rather than Wizards.

We don’t know any of that to be true any more.

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The Nightborne or Shal’dorei, were a different elevated social caste compared to the Kal’dorei. Different to the point where they actually had a different language, a form of High Darnassian. Even in the ancient empire, they held each other in mutual contempt. Tyrande herself was from this noble caste, but she gave it up to join the Sisterhood. Malfurion and Illidan were from commoner caste from which the bulk of modern Kal’dorei are descended from.


We have to assume it is until stated otherwise.

That actually dates from Cataclysm. They’re fully integrated into Alliance forces as of Warlords of Draenor. There is even one in the Tirisgarde Order Hall. Oddly enough they seem to speciailise in portal magic.


I do not think we do. Especially since the Temple of Elune is gone, and Tyrande is integrating all remaining Night Elves, including traitors like Maiev.

No it isn’t. in fact as a newly minted Night Elf mage, you get a visit from a Sentinel Commander who encourages you to apply yourself in your studies as your skills may be needed sooner than expected. While some NPC’s might still grumble about you as a mage, that opinion has been throughly discouraged as mainstream thought. The Alliance military itself welcomes Night Elf mages, wholeheartedly. And they were a key element in the Sentinel deployment during the War of Thorns until they were annihilated by Horde assassins.

Considering how many Night Elf mages gave their lives in the War of Thorns, and the evacuation of Darnassus, talking smack about them is really restricted to a few quiet corners.


I was talking about Night Elves and Undead Night Elves, not the Night Elves and the Nightborne. I was citing the Night Elf Mages after the War of the Thorns as a sign of broader acceptance in Night Elf society in general.


I mean, the current situation calls for that, sure. That doesn’t mean the Night Elves are going to throw away the most definitive parts of their identity. Preservation of the Balance is in the service of Elune, and undeath is the greatest blasphemy against that, and the ultimate insult to Life and Elune herself.

Yes it is. I do not expect you to know that lore tho, considering you thought Tyrande had no combat experience…

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There’s a long dragged out discussion about Sira and Daerlyn and you can find my posts about that matter there. I see no reason to repeat myself especially pointing out Sira since her present attitudes as a Dark Ranger are merely amplifications of a viewpoint she was already embracing while alive.

I was just commenting since you quoted me and then were talking about what I wasn’t talking about.

Actually it’s pretty much a process of the Night Elves redefining themselves. They are no longer the super powered immortal Guardians of Nature. It’s not even agreed that they ever approach that road properly. The Tauren argue that the Night Elves definition of “nature” seems to be confined to “Forest” considering their activities in the Barrens. Since the end of Reign of Chaos, the Night Elves are still coming to grips with the humiliating fact that they are now “just one of the gang”. They haven’t been taking it well and history has just served them another big helping of Humble Pie.


I don’t know. A big part of Night Elf identity was “Fel is bad,” but Tyrande was also the first to welcome the Illidari back in Legion (against Malfurion’s protests), and even when the Night Elves see Demon Hunters they might say things like “What have you done to yourself?” but they aren’t kill on sight.

Yeah, no thanks.

Which is stupid.

Debatable, but in addition to this, its just because Tyrande accepted them back is the only reason they are not killed on sight, and they only reason that happened is because Blizzard needed it to happen to fit their narrative, and they are willing to deconstruct nelf lore to do that like they always have.

True, but same could be done for Undead Night Elves.