Frostwolf Alliance Reconnections

I hear you man, I plan to do the same. But so far I don’t have anyone I know fully committed to do this as a group. Maybe that’s just how it shall be, re-discover the game alone, meet new people.

You guys were truly as the guild name implied, first generation. Lots of server firsts that I’d lose count. I miss those days. I made a brief comeback during Wrath with some shipmates in the navy and got into raiding again, it was tough given how little time we have but we managed to become server first again (horde side onyxia), and for a brief time I was the highest DPS warlock on the server, but I was constantly reminded my time in First Gen, it’s just didn’t feel the same… This time around though, so far I dont have any buddies to play with IRL, it would be a first time for me, strangely. Maybe I’ll run into some of you guys, maybe I’ll meet new people, but either way I just want to give it my best shot.

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Man I remember Camika grinding that Scarab Lord mount back in the day. I’ll never forget the AQ gate opening event and the madness that insued that day. Also people today will never understand the truly epic grind, the insanity, amount of time and effort it took to get that mount.

I’m actually going to be going PvE this time around, even though Frostwolf was PvP I was lured there by friends and I’m pretty much only interested in Raiding with what little free time I have left these days! Going to be rolling on Pagle specifically :slight_smile:

It’s fun to reconnect with the old FW peeps. It’s too bad battlenet wasn’t around then.

Amicae! It’s been ages, glad to see you’re still around. No one does my quests for me anymore :frowning:

I member :wink:

Some of you might remember Jorand, Human Warrior (now a Kul Tiran on Proudmoore)

Jorand#1683 if you want to get in touch!

Hey Gwen, it’s been a long time!
Our guild was Novus Ordo Seclorum

I’ll be playing classic Alliance on Fairbanks and Horde on Whitemane


Hey man hit me up on bnet: Lund#1735, I’d love to reconnect and reminisce about old warlock chat days :smiley:

I feel the exact same. First Gen was a great experience for me as a person and player. I loved every minute of it.

I added you, bnet name is Saurfang#1701.

Did you already reserve names? I made some toons on Fairbanks. Herod was already full.

My character name was Neewollah, NE Priest, I was the GM of Deathblow.
I think our whole guild transferred here right before TBC Launch. We immediately raided Org and killed Thrall lol.
Some of us are playing on Whitemane or Fairbanks. Add me on Discord if interested. Trickrrrtreat#8437

Is WF getting back together?

Whats Up Boys!

Linckes the NE Rogue here, :smiley: Add me if you know me! - LinckesTV#1392
Raided in Wook/SiNS in Vanilla, Come at me shuitdicks!

I’m rolling on Whitemane- PVP ALLIANCE For Classic,
NE Rogue again all the way, come enjoy this content once again with my band of brothers and I!


dude it’s been like 14 years, I think we leveled together definitely remember dicking around Kalimdor together, I was on my gnome warrior Jumo and my brother’s dwarf paladin Rutheras was in SiNS too

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Holypat Paladin- On deck, First Generation, Harbingers of Lloth,

Going to be playing Rogue on Whitemane PVP alliance name Venashka.

Malodorn, human paladin from The Vagrants. Heading over to Incendius alliance with some of the old crew.

Hey :slight_smile: Yeah, I have no idea where she went.

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Sylara Night Elf Rogue
Legion From Down Under

Just wondering if anyone still around

Lol oh noes, hope shes doing ok. I have Eyrie on battlenet I’ll ask her <3

Ezrela - Resto Druid
Kailah - Frost Mage, mostly pvp
Guild : The Forgotton Legends
Btag : Kailah13#1267