NE Hunter - Mithrellas (The Vagrants)
NE Warrior - Kyten STK
Myrmidon - Human Pally in Sun/Serenity/STK
Wow, so many familiar faces here! Anyone grouping up on an ally realm?
Hey man I too was in lfdu,I was one of the officers.
Sylara NE rogue
Nonnita?! is that you?
Bro, me (Crohn) and Bluntstub are on Rattlegore classic
Science from WOOK SWG, we made WOOK on Frostwolf too. A lot of the SiNS people were RAID on SWG right? What’s up gentlemen. Some of the old SWG people that I know of are on Herod now. I’m waiting till the queue times die down.
YO… were you the hunter that was in our 5v5 ranked pvp group with Joobie the paly? we were one of 5 Alliance players to get the 310 speed netherdrake? I was the mage Krypton…
We all rolled on fairbanks Alliance bro! Sky is there also!
Were you the priest that ran with the mage Krypton and the paly Joobie in 5v5? we all got the 310 netherdrakes server first?
Yep, Jensen and I were on Joobie’s 5s team, Sign My Mousepad, with you. The wild west of early arena were some good times.
Samirah - NE Druid - looking for people from RICE / Reloaded… Triska, Meron, Isit, Kazm, Atma, Nevermore, Nocturnus - any of you guys still playing? Add me @ ThisisJen82#1498 if you are!
dude I knew it when I saw your name! What server are you on now?
I’m a bit late to the party, but it’s so nice to see so many familiar names.
Gerhalt - NE Priest
Was in Raiders of Azeroth, Vagrants, First Generation, and others. Playing Horde on Incendius in classic. Feel free to add me and say Hi!
Micai Human Mage
Elemental Paradox / Fatal Judgement
Hi Faded!
I’m forgotten?! /gasp
Awesome man! What guild are you guys? I actually am on Fairbanks as well
Hi Camika, Vamp, and the rest! Ahhhh the good old days.
Feel free to add me jonoku#1328