Frostmourne Transmog?

I would love us to get Frostmourne as tmog. We were robbed of it when they decided to briefly make fDK DW only in Legion so seems fair now they bring it in as a bonus class quest as an artifact weapons appearance.


On one hand, I like the idea that we would wield the most famous blade in Warcraft history.

… On the other hand… I don’t want Frostmourne to end up like this…

… and I’m kind of surprised we don’t have a Runeblade type of weapon when Glaves or heck EVEN GUNS AND BOWS exist.


No, no you werent.

Yes, yes we were


Really? How were you robbed? Were they going to give you Frostmourne and then take it away? Did you already have it and they stole it?

Despite what people want to say about frost, its a DW focused spec. You cant be robbed of something that you never really had in the first palce.

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Why is Dks Lego from wrath a 2h axe and why does dw not have a lego if its the default spec for frost?

Further more cystaline swords was crap and unfinished ability


Irrelevant argument is irrelevant. The people who designed the DK and responsible for balancing it said Frost was DW. Period.

That also doesnt answer my original question.

The answer to both of those questions is no. They werent going to give us Frostmourne, and no one had it for Blizzard to take away. No one was robbed.

Crystalline swords has absolutely to do with the topic.

Frost became a DW spec due to legion forcing it on us. Until Mists it had a two point row two talent that gave a small boost to DW damage, with Mists being somewhat balanced and just changed your rotation focus (Oblit for two hand, frost strike for DW).

Besides, who cares. Someone expressed desire for a cool and iconic cosmetic for DKs. Literally hurts no one, and would work for the other two two-hand only specs. Shadowmourn is cool. All our rune blade options are cool. Frostmourne would also be cool.


It was a DW spec from the beginning.

Yes, this is about the 20th time we have seen it from the same people reposing the topic. It doesnt change the fact that Frostmourne is gone, shattered, made anew.

it can be remade back to its original design only without the power BAM mog material


We already went through this. Even Blizzard said Frostmourne is done. Way back in Legion. That ship has sailed. Frostmourne is gone.

they can change their minds. new team prolly someday new way of thinking. never say never


And you should really start to race reality. Its gone.

those of us that want it will not give up hope that it could happen


stop letting kelliste troll u lol its pointless to argue with a brick wall


Well, it shouldnt because Frostmourne is gone.

I would have been gone long ago if I was trolling. Im not though so quit name shaming people.

That’s you’re line in the sand? That’s the bone yard you’re gonna die on? It’s broke so no illusion? We can make illusions of other items that are gone. We can teleport casually around the planet. We’ve traveled in time. A lot. We’ve walked actoss the planes to the literal Lands of Death, and killed a god while there. Not our first godslaying either might I add. But a simple illusion of a sword that a whole lot of people got to see more up close and personal they would like is a step too far?

Blizzard may not want to do it. That’s fine, it’s their game and there’s understandable motives they could have. But there is literally no in game reason why it couldn’t happen.


Yeah these forums became much better when I put them on ignore. Now it’s just a bunch of posts arguing with a ghost.

They absolutely should give DKs Frostmourne as a tmog though.


No, its broke and we never were able to get it in the first. The warglaives people could actually get.

Gone how? Not able to get anymore? Because to be able to transmog something you had to be able to get it in the first place. Thats how the system works. There is no chance of getting it to be able to use it in the transmog system.

Has absolutely nothing to do with transmogging frostmourne.

In keeping the timeline the accurate so I doubt the bronze dragonflight would just let people go back and take Frostmourne for their own.

Has nothing to do with Frostmourne.

A robot, not a god. None of them are gods. The first ones would be the gods of this universe.

Havent killed any gods to be completely frank. Havent even seen any.

Yeah, quite literally. It doesnt exist anymore. We werent able to get it priot to its destruction, or after it. So there is literally no chance in getting it.

Yeah, there literally is.

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i agree 100%