Frostmourne Replica seriously?

This one actually steals the souls of people you slay with it though


People seem to be under the impression that I’m defending this. Read further and the truth will become very clear. My memory isn’t perfect, but I thought I remembered it being more expensive the first time around when it was sold THROUGH Blizzard, not Epicswords. If I was wrong, that’s fine. It has been over a decade so…

If you’re going to get a Frostmourne replica you should go whole-hog and commission someone to make a version with a real edge and point to it. Or get some whetstones of varying coarseness and try doing it yourself if you think you’ve the skill or talent.
Definitely get someone good with leather to fashion you a nice scabbard to go with it. A wall mount is nice, but being able to carry it around hands-free as a sword at ease ought to be is a cut above in terms of coolness.

Lost wax casting for the hilt and pummel is generally how many do craft items like this for mass production. Keep in mind mass production does not mean fast or easy production. Just more repeatable and faster then hand forging each one.

Using stainless steel for decoration swords is common, but the user needs to know it isnt sword steel or tool grade metal. But it will be more resistant to tarnishing and rust.

The price point really depends on how many Blizz tends to think they will be making. If only 1000, then yea $1500 for sure. But if they are making more then $10,000 of these, they could start dropping their margin to more in line of say $999 and still make a good profit…

BUT if they are having a sweet shop in the Hundred Acre Woods kicking out 100,000+ of these things, then they are not worth $100 even with a certificate of stupidity.

That said, Bobby needs a 3rd yacht before he retires…


If I have to pay $2k for a sword, it better raise the dead.


As featured on Pawn Stars

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not really. because it is forged art and collectable. it is beautiful and if i didnt buy the original frostmourne back in the day from epic weapons i would get this. its beautiful. and worthed.

Loool! That was such a bad description of what WoW is :joy:

I’ll give you $750 bucks…

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I swear Blizzard could kill some people’s dog, and those same people would still defend them…

The price is crazy, but I am more stunned they would try to make money off anything Lich King related after how badly they treated Arthas recently in retail…

They hate him, but they still like that Arthas Money!

I’m sure this sale will go as well as the Star Wars Reva Inquisitor Lightsaber went…

(spoiler : it didn’t go well)

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I hate you, for introducing me to this site.

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I beleave there is an episode of Pawn Stars they didnt offer much it was an orignal in the box from epic . look it up.

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$750.00 Would be a fair price considering the original one sold for less the $400.00
Ive seem them for sale for years on Alibaba. I’m sure these are made in China anyways so one of the sellers must have a decent copy. I have even seen the blue Ice block holder being sold on Alibaba, and the wall mount shield.

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To me, the funniest thing about it isn’t the price, it’s that it weighs seventeen pounds.

That’s… not what swords weigh. Even with all the flair, it shouldn’t clock in at more than like 5-6 pounds. Seventeen is like… well, did they forge it out of lead?

Two handed greatswords definitely weigh close to 20lbs.

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It was cheaper last time. And Blizzard didnt make these for this sale. These are the left over ones from last time that they didnt sale.

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Don’t want it, don’t buy it.

Every review I’ve seen from epic swords says it’s a scam. Have you bought one?

I want a frostmourne but 1500 is too much and these other sites are usually scams.

I bought a $700 one from eBay and it was a box with a stick in it. It was the original epic weapons one supposedly. Lol

It’s probably because the original company that produced the Frostmourne replica for Blizzard was “EPIC Weapons” not “Epic Swords.”