Frostmourne login issues

i cant connect to any realms suddenly… whats wrong. i cant select any of the oceanic realms

Same, I managed to get back in, but if I do anything the game becomes unresponsive and I have to use windows task manager to shut down the game.

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It seems to be down right now. I can’t progress past the login screen, and it was fine earlier today (GMT+10 time).

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same issue again… not able to login stuck at logging into game server. Blizzard needs to fix this issue this is getting repetitive and directly impacting logging into game.

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@blizzard needs to fix this… cant play getting booted out from keys…


@Blizzard when will these issues be resolved rather than ignored? I’ve cancelled my sub now until you fix it.


Keep getting DCed from Frostmourne.

Le sigh :disappointed:


Far out, fix the damn servers…
Constant night time, world quests / dungeons are just a lag fest.
Can we just de-couple from US realms!


Unable to log in, again.

Why is it always Oceanic realms that are down? Or even Frostmourne specifically? I have guildies on Aman’thul who NEVER have problems. It’s so annoying.


AND… Here we go again this fine Monday afternoon with the server going nuts and ping through the roof!! GG Blizz… Please stop using a toaster as a game server.


bruh we’re mid raid and dc’ing over and over pls feed the hampster istg


annnnnnnd another DC



Sometimes TWICE a week.

I missed an entire night of raid last thursday and then tonight getting dc’s every 15 mins and losing guild chat/bnet services every 5mins.

Fix it.


Kinda feelin like oceanic money isn’t good enough to keep the servers stable and operational since Frostmourne is apparently down / under issue every single week and sometimes several times in a single day. Rather irate at the moment as tonight a +12 was gutted because the server kept crashing and all the folks on Frostmourne (myself and two others) were repeatedly disconnected from the services and then the game.

Blizzard, please, fix it or at least make some kinda mention that you know there’s something up! I moved to Oceanic servers after over a decade on Wyrmrest and most days it’s a miracle to actually login to the server and play >.>


They need to merge all Oceanic servers into a single one/two (depending on numbers) and drop the linking to U.S servers. We will get less lag and actual proper night/day cycle.


LOL what a joke… another one…

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Having problems connecting to Frostmourne as well.

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That’s a great suggestion. Too bad no mods read these discussions. The last official Blizzard post on the Oceanic forum was in June, 2021.

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Was booted and can’t even get back in this time :woman_facepalming:

This is some next level server problem lol

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here we go again lol

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