Oh hi.
Any Cardinal Sin people around. We were the official Pure Pwnage guild. I still have our first rag kill picture maybe I can spot you.
Foodtime, Human Paladin
I was a child though so shoutout if you put up with me!
Guilds: I was definitely in Legoin (and/or Legion of Light??) and I think “Ingus Umbra?” (maybe that was tbc?)
Edit: If anyone happens to have screenshots with that character in them (by chance) (At any level) please let me know!
I also very much remember being in this guild with some friends. I do not remember the name either, but Maddie was an amazing human
I do think I remember the guild tabard was white with a red cross and gold trim
Hey Tear, I’m pretty sure I remember you.
Did we have a priest in the guild named Cure as well?
Do you recall when Resolution broke up? Was it Vaelastrasz or after? It’s been so long ago my recollection if fuzzy, but I remember being there for the first or second Domo kill, the first Rag kill, and I think a Razorgore kill. I also remember that we had a rogue from Frostwolf join the guild for a bit to help us, Lowjack or something?
After Resolution disbanded I floated around a few guilds a bit - DragonFIight for a minute, but culture didn’t fit. That’s when I found the Reloaded crew and went from BWL, AQ40, and into Naxx - and then through WOTLK ICC. Good times!
I was a sophomore in college at the time playing with some of my buddies. Wow Classic absolutely best gaming memories of my life!
Cure was def the priest you are thinking of. He’s in the onyxia raid screenshot that someone posted about half way up the thread.
Tear would know better, but we definitely got Razorgore down. If I remember correctly, the level of progression of Frostwolf guilds a few weeks after transfers just led to a mass exodus to guilds already downing Nefarion and beyond. It was a very common thing to happen to servers when transfers opened from older servers.
Oh, I missed that screenshot - awesome! I definitely remember a bunch of those names. Wild! Wish I had any screenshots from those days.
RIP DragonFIight, I joined in Wotlk, and ended up holding GM for the guild after it’s death at the end of Cata. It is now my bank guild lol
Was here on Frostwolf when they closed the server and made everyone move to frostmane. I was in a few big guilds and ran raids on my priest Majsob. Not looking to play a priest this time. Ill be playing a Druid, Hunter, or warrior maybe even a pally anyway looking to play on the PST server so where do you see population per server at? See you all on the field.
Name: Tazzlehof
Race: Nightelf
Class: Rogue
Guild: The Shield
We had a warlock that was our GM for ever. I would like to reconnect with you guys from MC days, damn been a long time.
Will be running on Pagel Server and my Btag is Tstomp#1236, drop me a line
Genna - Level 60 Warlock Frozen Shield
Add me SamJackson#1976
I guess I’ll throw my hat in the ring.
Imahealadin, dwarf paladin
Paix, dwarf warrior
See you all around, good to see you Taunie and Fuzzylogic.
Name: Kibble / Shyria
Race: Dwarf / Human
Class: Hunter / Warlock
Guild: Dizzy and Novus Imperium.
Looking to see who is still playing.
Hey! I was Dandros human paladin joined LoT around BWL stayed until the end of TBC (but was a warrior then taureneater) SSPsGoku#1910
We definitely had a priest named Cure.
I feel like Resolution’s disbanding was an unfortunate side effect of the server mergers. Frostwolf was about 3 months older, so the guilds had more progression - several had BWL on farm. Pair that with the old school way of using DKP and it was just super tempting for people to leave the guild for ones that had BWL on farm for a free full set of tier 2. I can’t blame anyone, its hard to go from being the top guild on your faction to being 4-6th place.
The guild wasn’t free of interpersonal social issues either. So while people stuck it out for the progression I think the merger gave them an easy exit if they had people in the guild they didn’t like.
After that happened we tried to keep progressing BWL but less and less people showed up for raids each week until we eventually decided it was time to give up.
Yo duuuuuude Which server you rolling on ?
Guilds : Azerothian Order (MC BWL) , VTC, Vicious Cycle (Naxx/KJxfer)
I really only want to know if Thieve will be making his return, I have an idea for a gank.
Yoooo, how’s it going? I was in Tokens in the Mail for a while - NE rogue named Noobalicous. Premades vs The Buddy System were pretty dope. You gonna 59 twink again?
I used to be in a guild called Converge. Had great friends and AQ ended up breaking us. Boagreous was our guild master. Hoping to find some old homies like danimal, Lillian, Hedwig, etc
Joey, love of my life, I’ve missed you, not sure on server yet, I guess we need to pick something?
Noob always good to see a friendly face, we’ll most likely run level 60s this time around? I’m honestly not too sure. The whole Tokens in the Mail misadventure was funded by our two mains that were Frostmane royalty and because we loved a gear capped PvP environment.
With the way blizzard is rolling out the phases of the game, it’s not unreasonable to think we could kick it until phase 5 when they release AQ40… That’s when the great disparity between the haves and the have-nots becomes really pronounced.