Hey Teacherlady! Add me GadFly#1707
I was in RUN in classic, i played a human paladin called Agamor
Hey i remember you Malkore :). I played a human paladin called Agamor
I was in that guild too before i went to RUN, i distinctly remember Maddie cause she would always come on vent and say “Oh well hey you guys!”. I played with Tael, Consectrator and Terorgarth from that guild too. Cant remember the name of the guild though.
I also think about those times fondly, except the waking up around 4-5am part.
i played a human warrior named Ayalyn, was in the guild called The Frozen Shield.
I was this Mirha fellow he speaks of. Most of my time spent here was in TBC as a Draenei Shaman. We camped a lot of people on the Nagrand Plateau and did other annoying things because we were jerks. #sorrynotsorry #yoloswag #dablyfe
Battletag: Chair#1346
Name: Aeltis
Race: Night Elf
Class: Hunter
Guild: DragonFIight
I was also a alliance shaman named Alee in TBC
Pretty sure it was Frostmane I was on. Mained a Dwarf Paladin called Deen. Ran around with my Dad a lot, Dwarf hunter named Citori. Was just a kid back then. Joined a guild called Black Rose Society. Formed quite the relationship with all the people there. Don’t expect to find anyone, it was 15 years ago.
Why were you afk? You playing vanilla? Entrance and Augustus and a few others will be.
!! Gonna roll vanilla?? Good to hear from you. Hope you are well!
Where are you guys rolling?
Herod. I remember you too. Frostmane pre invasion was the most fun I had playing wow. It would be great to play with you all again.
Wow, so many old peeps!
I was Entrance, a night-elf druid. I played predominantly in Resolution with Morrigu and then moved to War Front after the Frostwolf transfers and Resolution disbanding.
Looking for the same people as Morrigu. I see Tear and Angeles have already made themselves known. I wish I had more foresight in 2004 to choose a character name that was more memorable, as absolutely everyone seems to remember Pyromaniac.
Chryla (female human paladin), Kella (male dwarf paladin), Thievery (night elf rogue), Dommoracin (night elf hunter). I remember leveling to 60 with Chryla and Thievery, those two dudes were SUPER cool. Kella was so damn funny, I remember him trying to kill the MT of a guild doing Azuregos once and then bubble hearthing when he failed.
Of course I remember Tear. I think I asked him for relationship advice once. Morrigu and I were in early high school at the time so I’m assuming I was pretty annoying, basically still just a kid. Morrigu and I played the game so damn much, I remember him and I trying to pioneer the druid meta. We even got the chance to duel Ferahgo, the guy who did the “Gimped?” video and then transferred to Frostmane from Frostwolf. I think his name was Cyrix?
I joined War Front after the transfers and remember some really cool people in that guild. Everyone was super chill. There was a druid Morrigu and I were really good friends with, I wish I could reconnect with him. I don’t remember his chars name.
Like Morrigu said, a big group of us are rolling on Herod, horde side. Feel free to message #Bumble1850 if you guys want to catch up.
Edit: I also have strong memories of Yecko threatening to skullf*** people when they wiped the raid
Bearhunter/Reddawn/Talor from The Frozen Shield here!
I’m doing really well, thanks! I will be doing some dabbling with Classic, but I’m still actively playing live and between that and IRL its hard to find the time.
Haha, yea. The raid schedule wasn’t exactly friendly for your time-zone. The joys of classic. Reflecting on that time is odd. So many hours per day playing.
It is so crazy to hear peoples memories! I absolutely remember the conversation about relationships you mentioned. Not the details specifically, but the conversation in general for sure.
None of you guys were ever annoying kids! Hell most of us were kids, or little more than kids, back then.
I hope our boy Janar shows up. He was our NE Warrior. Still remember him trying to teach me Mandarin. Man was he patient!
Anyone from resolution feel free to toss me a message at arvore#1406. I fired up a discord server for old Reso members to reminisce if they like.
I remember you when I was in Unite! Badass warlock
Name: Silverxblade
Race/Class: Night Elf Warrior
Guilds: Unite
Taunie - Scarab Lord of Frostmane < Vicious Cycle>
Hello to all the old faces!
Planning to play a little classic with my current guild.