Frostmane Alliance Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Frostmane (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

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I remember my Guild Master, her name was Maddie, I think she played Druid, I played a Dwarf Hunter named Humantorch, Maddie was one of my closest friends though and by far the best Guild master ever, very supportive and always willing to help no matter what. Hope I find her!


Itami - Night Elf Hunter

I was the raid leader for the Get Along Gang which later became Ungrateful. I raided with a couple guilds on the side but I don’t remember the names.

Add me on btag: Wraith#1203

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I was in the guild Get Along Gang in 2006, playing this character.
I still play very casually but looking forward to classic and reconnecting with anyone from my first raiding guild. Add me on Bnet: Damaged76#1536

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I was in your current guild (RÜN) in vanilla, are any of the old guys still active in that guild?

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Played a dwarf Priest named Balin on both Frostwolf and Frostmane servers. Was in Five Dragons guild and Legends guild. I played mostly with IRL friends but there were a few great e-buddies made: Skythe, Ambrai and Erandel. If any of you guys are out there and are remotely interested in starting up some WoW Classic, let me know!

Layleth (or Leyleth). Human male Warlock and Night Elf female Druid. Used to be with Unite, Displeasure, several other guilds.

Yes, it’s me, from Vicious Cycle and Legends. Still play.


I joined RÜN in WoD, can’t remember what names they had during vanilla but some people that played during that time are online from time to time.

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Name: Cobi
Race: Human
Class: Warlock
Guild: Overpower

Looking for anyone that was in Overpower back in the day.

Used to play with a night elf male rogue named “Gankomizer” in 2005, from the time the realm opened until around August. Reached Knight Captain at that time. My raid leader was a male gnome warrior tank, and my guild and another one did a couple joint raids to Molten Core but only got past the 1st or 2nd boss. Unfortunately I don’t remember much else. Was anyone there for the raid to Thunderbluff when we almost killed Cain?

Name: Dhaos / Oura
Race/Class: Night Elf Druid
Guilds: Army of Exiled, Resolution, and then Reloaded ( BWL through Naxx)

PVP’d in Leather Gear Solid

Original Frostmane before Frostwolf invasion! 8/8 tier 1, 8/8 tier 2 and absolutely have no time to do that anymore :wink:

I used to play a Paladin named Archiles. Was in a few different guilds. Loveandwar, Niassa, Majsob, Wsideshow. If anyone remembers me, message me.

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Hey Frostmane-ers. I was in RUN (I forget how to do the two … on top of the U -_-) through vanilla up until around when Naxx-40 came out. Played mainly a Rogue named Malkore. These days I play this shaman from time to time, but would love to connect with anyone from the former guild when Classic launches.

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Name: Xaviar / Krysania
Race/Class: Dorf Rogue, NE Priest
Guilds: Several tiny guilds and Unite

Still play. Would love to reconnect with some of the old school.

Edit: Battletag is Ironheart#1585


Morrigu of the same char; Guilds: resolution, war front

LF Kella, Domoracin, Tear, Thievery, pyromaniac or anyone looking to reconnect.

Night Elf - Warrior - 19 twink

Looking for all my old friends that were 19 twinks!

Sayton - Gnome rogue
Fandy - Night Elf Hunter

Forgot the name but a Gnome Mage - Fire Spec with Gear criting for 400+ Dmg.


Adalys do you still play?

Add me AAPL#1314 if you are going to play classic.

Aratok, Gnome Warlock
I guild hopped a lot.

Hey Frostmane,

I was in [New Hotness] and [HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA] (AKA HAx12)
I think most of my time in Frostmane was really just prior to BC launch all the way up to now, on and off.

I used to love roaming around with Gosu, Putto, Mirha, Fixeh, Altruis, and some of their friends from War Front either in BGs or on PVP Isle. Trolling the forums and just good times… ah the days…