Frost/Blood DK and WW Monk LF Inclusive Guild


There are two of us looking for a friendly community to raid with. I have mythic raid experience, 7/9M ATDH, 5/9m Aberrus, etc., have gotten aotc every tier since BfA. Our raid times are very flexible, and I can play alts if needed. I’m more available on discord, and I’ll link it below. c: Thank you so much <3

discord: “cyberpetxl”

I would be interested in talking with you both. My discord is ganderyn#2674

bumping this, still looking :3

Felweed Cartel would love to have you. We are super laid back but still get sh!t done. We just returned after a long hiatus but were CE AOTC/Mythic exp in BFA. My battle net is Akuma#1322 if you’d like to come check out the discord just give me a shout!

Hello : )

Our guild is Ferk. We raid Tues/Thurs 7-10pm EST. We have a lot of experience with mythic raiding… Previous AOTC. We also love pushing high M+ keys. BTAG Souvenir#1943 if you have any questions.

Looking forward to hearing from you!!