[A/H][Laughing Skull] <Vengeful> Heroic/Mythic Raids/M+ LF All Players

< Vengeful > is recruiting all classes and specs for Heroic/Mythic raiding and M+ Dungeons. We are a gaming community that has been around since 2008. We boast a gaming community of dozens of players that stretch across a number of games and platforms. At our peak we were a World Top 50 Raiding Guild pushing cutting edge content. In recent years we’ve taken a more relaxed/casual approach. We intend to raid 2 nights per week: Wed and Thur starting at 6:30PM CST. Raids will last until roughly 10:30 CST. If you’re looking for a laid back raiding environment with a group of players who know how to get sh*t done… look no further. Reply to this thread or message me in game. You can also apply directly to our guild. Cheers and see you in Nerub-ar Palace!!!

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Could you add me on discord? I’d love to learn more! discord: cyberpetxl

Sent you an invite on Discord.

Hey bud, resto druid here looking for a guild to eventually raid mythic in. discord is allenhowardx. I could flex boomie too if I REALLY needed to but I prefer healing way more. I am very interested in joining your team!

My logs are

(Resto Druid) Hit me up!

Hey, I’m an Arcane Mage looking for a raiding guild, interested in both heroic and mythic. My discord is moemadridi

Thank you!