Frost wands appear to have worked in Vanilla as the strategies at the time originally called for them and posts from thottbot 2006 are there on wowhead to back that up. Is this intended? Did you really want warlocks to either melee or sit on this fight?
I’m fine with this. Farming a frost wand is dumb anyway.
So you’ll be farming a coldrage dagger and some frost oil then. Have fun with that.
You’re just going to have to farm a Coldrage Dagger instead.
Nope, ill be dancin like my hero.
Well, I’m a bit upset you won’t be farming a dagger, but I can’t stay mad at those dance moves.
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This is 110% a baddd bug. I played a lock in vanilla and remember ticketing a gm to restore a frost wand from a low level desolace quest just for this fight, because it was the fastest frost dmg wand available.
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Nah, its not a big deal. Just let the mages be the heroes this time. They need their chance in the spotlight.
Nah, we need this to work correctly. I mean, it’s fun watching the sweatiest try hard guilds in the world wipe on this, but not everyone runs 40 world buffed engineers and we’ll need to refreeze several times.
It’s inaccurate to vanilla. The fight should reflect how it was in vanilla, and there was no time in vanilla where frost wands didn’t work on visc. 
this was a good video ill be dancing now as well while the mages handle it
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It might not be inaccurate to vanilla. People probably assumed.
Should be investigated.
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Its definitely inaccurate - i was an alliance warlock in vanilla. this was a big part of our viscidus strat.
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Its definitely inaccurate - i was an alliance warlock in vanilla. this was a big part of our viscidus strat.
Sure but did you actually make sure your frost wands were contributing with logs?
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They had logs back then, too, and people smart enough to read them said “use frost wands”. Think about which is more likely. Literally everyone who ran AQ was doing it wrong, or Blizzard’s reference client that they pulled from a burning dumpster has some gaps that need fixes.
I don’t know the answer, it should be investigated.
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Yes. Thats why we urged locks and priests to get the level 30ish captain rackmore’s tiller from an obscure desolace quest rather than a banshee finger or dire maul frost wand – its 1.5 speed provided significantly more benefit and faster freezes.
Pfft. Aint wasting a bank slot for that when can just use a different wand that does double duty as a resist wand too.
Just throw snowballs at him.
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