Frost wands not freezing Viscidus

I can say I just tried it in retail WOW and frost wands definitely do not work there.

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This must be a retail-based bug then - i duoed this in legion i think it was on my priest (it drops a pet in retail), and used a frost wand to freeze him.

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Farming a frost wand? I sat in one AV, and picked one up as a quest reward. The hardest part was waiting in queue.

Would love to get a blue comment here
 but we all know the answer is going to be, “matches reference client.”


If we consider Method. Their video is at 2x speed. It takes them a little under a minute to freeze Viscidus. They’ve got 13 people wanding or frostbolting. Viscidus needs 200 frost hits. It should take them 15 rounds of R1 frostbolt/wand to freeze them if wands work, that’s 23 seconds but it actually takes them closer to 50 seconds. That suggests wands were not working.

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And yet, logs of the time showed that it was working. Also, your math for 23 seconds fails to account for the timing to get into position on the pull, needing to move to dodge poison clouds, resists, etc. It also assumes every single non-mage caster was able to get the 1.5 speed wand restored from an obscure desolace leveling quest, when realistically most people were using the 1.9 speed banshee finger.

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How about this one.

Boss reforms at 0:53. They have 10 people wanding/frostbolting. It should take them 30 seconds to freeze him. He actually freezes at 1:50.

They have 6 mages, this is consistent with the 50 seconds it should take the mages alone to freeze him -7 seconds or so of movement/not casting.

Even if it’s bugged it’s not all that big a deal. That boss was a PITA in actual vanilla and it’s ok for it to be a PITA again.

Get good?

Also in a ton of other threads people QQ because the content is too easy and here in this thread QQ because it’s to hard.

Make up your mind, adapt and just enjoy the damn game

And yet, in that video I’m seeing mages jumping around not casting during the freezing phase (look for the netherwind shoulders to the right of the druid), moving around, etc. You see a mage mana pot, again suggesting there are mana issues at play as well preventing all of the mages from simply freecasting for the entire duration.

Your math is assuming perfect situations that simply do not exist.

Sure, thus the -7 seconds of missed casts since the freeze takes 57 seconds.

I imagine they mana pot because arcane explosioning the adds is mana intensive.

Well, you were there. You know best.


I think you’ve missed the point of classic, it’s meant to be a recreation of the original game not an adaptation to it. Complaining about too easy or too hard is completely irrelevant here and has everything to do with recapturing the original experience exactly.


They aren’t hit capped. They’re wearing NR gear. So the extra time could be misses. We need to see an old log.

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Well, you were there. You know best.

The whole point is I don’t know. Blizzard should investigate. But it seems at least possible this isn’t a bug.




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Kinda thinking it may not be a bug, but just how it really was.

That boss was a real pain in Vanilla and most top end guilds didn’t do him for that reason.

Most top end guilds were alliance, and without shamans the boss was a huge headache. Shamans really trivialize a lot of the encounter.

He was skippable and his loot wasnt earth shattering, so skipped he was.

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If it is, that’s fine. We’re melee and mage heavy so it’ll go down fast enough. At best it’s poor design decison (having classes that can do literally nothing on a boss fight is dumb), at worst a bug that should be fixed.