Frost vs unholy for PVP

For starters, let me just say I love both specs thematically. Always been a DK fan. I’ve been playing frost since the start of the expansion with pvp. Tonight just switched back to unholy, and dear God it’s a monster in pvp. Literally double the damage, my death coils are hitting on the high end for 700k and cleaving with no dumb stationary death and decay. How is it death coil procs are actually hitting harder than OBLITERATE even 2H. Frost DK doesn’t need more talent shuffles. It needs a functional to address auto attacks as your primary damage generator for KM. It needs the change to what ret got in DF.


Km procs being so overly plentiful during pof kinda hinders it’s ability to hit super hard. If UH had a CD that gave them guaranteed doombust procs for 12-18src you can bet it would be nerfed.

I actually loved frost in df when crit was high enough to get decent amount of km procs outside of pof while doing world content. If that frequency of km was retained but boosted the damage it would feel great. But I also don’t love the connection to AA crits being the trigger. RW or frost fever crits would be a nice alternative, and have them scale in speed with haste or something.

Switched from frost to unholy a couple of weeks ago and havent looked back. Unholy just hits so much more harder and cleaving in huge numbers as well. Its night and day between frost and unholy for me.


Once the ptr DB changes go live, I’ll try frost again. (Has been incredibly fun) Til then UH all the way.

100% this. If they want it to proc of AA crits, then let KM scale with crit like chaos bolt. That way there’s synergy with the stat. OR have it just have a chance on auto attacks like unholy so we can just forget about crit. Having to spread stats so thin feels terrible. The other classes I play monk and warlock don’t feel this hindrance nearly as bad.

What changes are giving you hope?

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Rime procs with 90% increased damage to main target.
Reapers mark either giving km (so can easily be used for 2h set ups) or soul reaper doing 20% more damage and usuable regardless of enemies hp.
Frost fever dot tick increase for free (no longer a choice node), along with improvements to the other talents in the tree. It makes it feel like frost is a functional spec outside of pillar imo.


What about for the other hero tree?

Yeah it’s weird that DB is performing better than both riders and sanlayn but gets a buff.

Rider is already doing fine for dw frost.

There is zero chance uh hits harder.

It’s more that uh has a lot small damage from pets that looks massive on details.

Frost hits a lot harder.

Don’t be that aktually guy, everyone with a brain understands he means in totality stop

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how hard does it it?

you dont get 900K ++ obliterates or 3million+ deathblows.

UH is a lot of small damage that adds up and pads meters when multiples are around.

UH doesnt have the burst that Frost does.

is that standard or outlier crits?

2h frost with mastery stacking can hit that hard. The db crits are rare though since you won’t be stacking crit with 2h frost pvp. They still can hit 1-2mil non crit depending on the situation.

But makes frost feel like DF. Goes every 45 seconds.

The ptr changes help fix that though.

UH burst damage is way scarier than frosts. I main dk but play a fair bit of rsham. And when you are healing I’m 100x more scared of a UH go than I am of frosts. UH regularly kills through double earthen + tide on top of free cast rotational healing. The only time I’m as scared of uh with frosts go is when they are with a devoker. But that’s because Dev burst is higher than any in game and trying to get through that with fDK cc is tough.

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I agree with this, and the pressure outside of burst is way higher than frost.

Frost does have better cc, but that can be fixed via comps anyhow for UH.

Maybe its time for Crit damage to be un nerfed back to 175% in PvP, what is it now? 150% right?

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That’s correct, but I don’t think that is the answer. Many classes can still kill very fast. And nobody likes to go 100-0 in a 3s stun. They just need to reimagine frost dk and get away from AA crits

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