I think you misunderstand the issue many people have. It’s a feel/playstyle issue first and a balance issue second for many 2h DK’s. 2h Frost had burst and you felt powerful when you were blasting 2 or 3 Obliterates. It the same reason I can’t play Arms anymore, Arms warrior is mainly a Dot spec now. It’s number one source of damage is Deep Wounds. It makes me want to puke.
IMO I think it’s not so hard to balance. As it was in Cata and the past Obliterate should be the 2h bread and butter while Howling Blast should be DW bread and butter. They are for two different things. I know there are DK’s (one in particular) that likes to hawk over the forums and discourage these types of threads because he belives DW frost should be viable in every possible scenario. Most specs out there have to pick though, are they going to be heavy AoE or heavy ST. I think it can’t be all that hard for Blizzard to hash out.
That is called bad raid design. A good raid has elements that cater to every kind of damage source. That way every kind of damage is brought because it’s needed. As of late though it’s either super one-sided in favor of melee or ranged. Even as melee they can have more options, things that need to be CC, burst down, or AoE for instance.
Instead of Blizzard making 9 types of Mechanics going on in a raid perhaps they should spend more time making sure everyone has a job and is needed.