Frost mages must change now

Md has a 1.5s cast time, a 2 minute cd, and you know it exists. If the potential for MD would kill you, then you just press ice block higher on HP as soon as you get stunned and use your mobility/disruption to survive.

Temp high before you take damage and if youre in range to be swapped to/a likely target. It’s obviously harder to use than things like barkskin, but it’s also significantly stronger.


So just don’t block low against priests or block out of range or LoS. Got it. Honestly annoying since not many other defensives have to worry about that other than ret I guess.

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Here is a protip for you. When playing with affy block as LOW AS POSSIBLE and make sure the DPS are both ua’d with priest and drag them. BLOCK right ontop of that $##%$%# priest like :wink: :heart_eyes: :kissing_heart: :smiling_face:. The priest outraged with such blatant disrespect will MD on the godd@#%# spot and die much to all of your delight and laughter.

Trust me it works at all ratings. They can’t help themselves.

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I played with some friends to their first time glad in shadowlands season 1 playing double aff lock hpal and our hpal would ALWAYS hoj the dps with 2x ua and we won probably 20% of games due to a healer just randomly dispeling and getting crit backlash and dying.


That’s so incredibly devious omg I love it.

My wife plays affy and I typically fire/affy 2s with her every season to gear her. I’ve won hundreds of games off priests just cheesing them like that.

They prob think “this mage is a ##$%# stupid lmao look at him blocking low ontop of me GG noob”

Famous last thoughts

If you have ginvisi up you can also blink invisi as md hits and get a clean get away. Blink is on global shimmer is not so it can be dicey if they are quick to retarget you and you dont got shimm but do-able most times.


Oooo to make sure alter doesn’t get dispelled? That’s a good idea.


Alter time should be Undispellable and last 5s. And dont reset blink or shimmer.

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It sucks but I chalk it up to bad RNG like I just got crit string’ed by a fury warrior on PI/Dark Arch.

Oh well, happens. If I live I can make it.

My 2.1s surge cast feels like an eternity and I just melt while the frost mage jumps around and back pedals spamming like 1 button. Feelsbad.jpeg

Oh well. Hoping it gets better with like 40% haste in a season or 2.

Also looking at my max crit arcane blasts/barrages vs just the average damage of like Aff, Mm, or Frost is a little disheartening but hey, maybe tuning soon.

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That’s evil. Lmao

fury is kited just the same as arms. next

mage is not even the top range. Affi, shadow p and MM hunter all have much higher representation in the 1800+ cr.

Fury war is the most braindead class, tops both PVE and PVP.

I have no idea why a war posts a thread and ask a mage nerf.

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This guy gets it. Warrior players imo are just generally low iq human beings (most of them). They have 1 counter out of 20+ something specs that they can’t zug zug down and they run to a video game forum to cry about the sky falling down, not even caring about the 10 other specs that are stronger than mage because warriors don’t get kited by those.

Warrior players holy omega LUL

Nothing does fine against broken oppressive CC that ruins PvP. You aren’t making a counter arguement. If you want to know why PvP pariticipation dies or no one wants to do Arena it’s because of Mage design and how stupid snare/roots are. It’s just a bad time so why bother.

No snare should reduce you below 50% movement in PvP and there should be an embellishment that makes it 75%. They really need to prune a lot more CC in this game and clean it up so PvP happens.

Ahhh hahah yeah, Frost Mage isn’t S Tier… alright.

Usually I agree with you Bourbons other than some minor shuffle disputes but comon dude you know this is wrong.

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Frost mage is disgusting rn

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:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

I maybe just have a different opinion on what is S tier. Yeah frost mage is S tier against warriors and some other melee, but just doesn’t feel like it’s S tier when close to half the specs in game are just as strong or better.

Good unholy dks, spriests, aff locks, mm hunters, dev evokers, even some really good assassination rogues make me feel well below S lol. Don’t get me wrong, frost mage is strong no matter what, I just don’t think it is a blanket S, but there is definitely some bias no doubt :slight_smile:

Most of the specs people are saying are S, I would just put in A-A+. At the end of the day affliction warlock and preservation evoker are the only 2 I would put in S for sure (e.g., S pmuch no matter what). Disc is a contender for always S too, but they don’t seem unpunishable to me.

The rest I would say A+ or S sometimes depending on matchup. To me S is when you are beyond dominant in virtually any/all scenarios, and you can play incredibly and consistently worse than your opponent(s) and still climb rating.

Maybe that definition isn’t a great one, but it’s why I still feel that frost mage is A+ in more matchups than not, and only S against a handful of melee (especially warriors), and a handful of grossly undertuned specs.

Maybe I also queue into way too many affliction warlocks and mm hunters, that could be the case too :stuck_out_tongue:

In any event, trying to be objective, I do think ice lance is still too powerful in comparison to all of our other buttons. Feels kind of lame to check details and see that a spammable instant cast (which cleaves) is always 25-30% of our damage, and no other damage source coming even remotely close to that.

Mage really didn’t need the extra shield baked into barrier either imo, and alter time is still poorly designed with respect to pvp, since it rapidly fluctuates between practically useless and extremely broken overpowered based on the matchup, with very little in between.

I think the cleave effect on ice lance is also dumb for pvp. It would be nice as an option sometimes, but it more often just makes trying to cc/make cc stick really unfun in a lot of matchups.

On a last note, I want to play my holy paladin lol, but reading forums and personal experience from mage pov has made me not want to bother until another tuning pass lol. I miss the instant queues :slight_smile:

Imagine your class being so good that you can’t handle being countered. Mage has had that feeling against shamans, ferals, and hunters for years. Sorry play better. You have to play better than the mage to win, just like mages need to outplay classes that counter them. I know as a warrior you’re probably not used to having something that you can’t obliterate by clicking w