Frost Mage spec bonuses

For this specialization, in Season 4, I would like the bonuses (updated) from:

Para esta especialización, en la temporada 4, me gustarían las bonificaciones (actualizadas) de:

Para esta especialização na Série 4, quero os bônus (atualizados) da:

  • Season 1 / Temporada 1 / Série 1
  • Season 2 / Temporada 2 / Série 2
  • Season 3 / Temporada 3 / Série 3
0 voters


For those who are wondering what the bonuses are:

Season 1

  • (2) Set Bonus: Ice Lance and Frozen Orb damage increased by 10%.
  • (4) Set Bonus: Consuming Fingers of Frost increases Blizzard damage by 25% and Frostbolt damage by 50% for 6 seconds.

Season 2

  • (2) Set Bonus: Flurry and Ice Lance damage increased by 20%. Flurry causes an explosion on impact, dealing 35% of its damage to nearby enemies, damage reduced beyond 5 targets.
  • (4) Set Bonus: Casting Ice Lance on a frozen target has a 10% chance to trigger Brain Freeze.

Season 3

  • (2) Set Bonus: Glacial Spike damage increased by 10% and it explodes when it Shatters a frozen target, dealing 20% of its damage dealt to nearby enemies. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets.
  • (4) Set Bonus: Casting Glacial Spike has a 40% chance to trigger Brain Freeze.

S1 Frost set
(2) Set Bonus: Ice Lance and Frozen Orb damage increased by 10%.
(4) Consuming Fingers of frost insreases spell damage by 8% for 6 seconds. <Wrong in above reply. That one is the pre complaints bonus that got updated before it shipped.
S2 Frost set
(2) Set Bonus: Flurry and Ice Lance damage increased by 20%. Flurry causes an explosion on impact, dealing 35% of its damage to nearby enemies, damage reduced beyond 5 targets.
(4) Set Bonus: Casting Ice Lance on a frozen target has a 10% chance to trigger Brain Freeze.
S3 Frost set
(2) Set Bonus: Glacial Spike damage increased by 10% and it explodes when it Shatters a frozen target, dealing 20% of its damage dealt to nearby enemies. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets.
(4) Set Bonus: Casting Glacial Spike has a 40% chance to trigger Brain Freeze.


surprised how many want to keep this seasons bonuses, s2 ftw in my opinion


s2 4pc was the best 4pc bonus, but s3 2pc is the best overall bonus, and really makes the aoe roation a lot more fun so s3 is my pick. If we could vote to mix and match it would be a lot more fun. s2 or s1 4pc with s3 2pc would be really neat.


please vote for S2, i hate the Glacial Spike


Amen I hate GS


I’m also sick of glacial Spike.


ugh, i think i will skip s4


I benched my Mage who has always been my main due to my hatred of glacial spike and forced bonus on it.
Looks like if S4 is going the same way, she’ll be collecting dust.

Oh well, least (hopefully) eventually all reps will become account wide since she’s the one sitting with like 110 - 115 max reps since at this rate they’re gonna kill any desire I have to play her.


Ide vote against season 3 out of principle alone i absolutely hate forcing talents with set bonuses.


Love the season 3 set. Having Glacial Spike AOE on frozen targets makes it one of the best feeling buttons to press in the game right now. Hope to see it come back in talent form at some point.


Unfortunately with our current tuning/balance GS is absolutely mandatory regardless of whichever of these tier sets goes in. It was that way before any of the current tier bonuses, they just made it even more so.

You’re not going back to the 3 button rotation in Dragonflight, if ever again.


Thanks jeebus for that too. I know a lot of people loved running content and not having to push more than IL, Orb and Blizzard but honestly that rotation was utter garbage and boring as sin. I’m still somewhat hopeful that they’ll merge Ray/GS or GS/CmS into a capstone choice node to give some options and reduce the number of abilities slightly (or at the very least offer alternatives). Heck, a Frostbomb/CmS could be interesting.

I get that no talent should be forced, either by tier bonuses or otherwise, but that isn’t and hasn’t been the case for a very long time. Frost has almost always had mandatory talents, and my understanding is that Fire and Arcane are no better. This is why the “new” talent system objectively dropped the ball - so much opportunity, but nope.


The problem here is that for pve’er season 3 bonus is the best, but for pvp’er, season 1 is the best

level 60 paid actor


Level 13 paid actor.


Spec isn’t fun without glacial which makes a tier set that forces glacial a huge positive


I hate playing with Glacial Spike. Really hope S3 doesn’t win.


Why do people hate glacial spike? It’s the most fun spell we have. The glacial spike to freeze AoE combo is the best part of the spec rn and having more flurries is good for ST. S3 is the best tier by far