Frost mage needs love

Cries in frost mage.

You could triple fingers of frost proc rates and we’d still be competing with tanks for dps top end.

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Unfortunately Blizz devs dont care about buffing specs that the devs do not play.


They super buffed shamans so this is kinda unproven and more like immature cope.

The proc chance is so bad.

A slight ice lance dmg buff would be nice too because living bomb is just leeeeagues better but honestly even with current ice lance dmg frost would actually be not terrible with a 10-15% increased proc chance.

Fingers of frost I get somewhat okay amounts it seems

But for some reason brain freeze I can literally go 2-3 entire bgs with 0 procs so I gave up on that rune.

Shamans end up in wonky a f states like they are in now because no devs play them lol

Frost Mages shines on PVP, there is no need to buff the damage.

Why do you think they buffed shamans and yet still havent done anything for frost spec when theyve had all of P1 to implement buffs? Obviously theyve given up on the spec and none of the devs care enough for it.

Why do you think theyve yet to nerf shammies as well when they came out with nerfs for Spriest/Druids/Ranged Hunters in literally a weeks time of start for P1 and start of P2?

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Combine FoF+IL into 1 rune. No other class has a worthless lvl 1 rune until lvl 10 when Mages can finally learn Frost Nova/get FoF rune. What an awful experience to give first time SoD players who happen to roll mage or first time mage players period and shows how little experience these devs have with Frost/mage in general. Combine BF+FFB into 1 rune. Boom Frost can now run Burnout and Spell Power.

You don’t play the game obviously. All other castesr have instant cast options that do more damage. Almost all the roots are self-cleansable by melee due to new runes.

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Frost is awful in PVP too, no one runs Frost runes. Everyone uses Living Bomb/Living Flame/Arcane Surge in PVP. You can spec Frost to survive 1 sec longer while doing no damage to anyone, or you can spec Fire/Arc and at least kill 2-3 people before you get 1 shot.

I feel like I’ve played way too much actually… have many Alts and so on. If you legit want to understand more about why Frost Mages don’t need buff in my opinion, here is a video of a Frost Mage doing 1v3 / 1v2 constantly against different classes.

Its hard to manage all those resources, but well played, Frost Mages just like Rogues are on the S tier of PVP classes.

Enh dps went from 2nd worst melee to 1/2nd best melee. They overbuffed, but they buffed. Idk what this cope is but it’s doom af. Frost has been bottom of barrel since phase 1. Mage have a good spec so they are just not touching frost with the age old, play the other spec excuse.

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Lenin was into coups not copes

This is frost talents, but the guy is not playing “frost”. He’s playing frost purely for the defensive stats. Rank 1 frostbolt etc. You could buff all pve frost spells and it wouldn’t change his build powerlevel at all.


Imagine showing a vid where the mage is running Living Flame and Missile Barrage and thinking that’s proof Frost is good lmfao.


The issue is that shaman dps is super overtuned atm. They can dish out if not the same than more DPS than other DPS classes whilst filling the role of a Tank. No other class can do that besides warlock tanks which is absurd. The devs have no foresight of how detrimental this is to both the PvE and PvP aspect of the games.

I mean you’re proving your original point wrong and mine right with this so thanks? Devs don’t play shaman. Yet they got love. Thus yeah idk I might need to go get a shapes and blocks toy for yah.

Your point adds no value to the topic at hand so its invalid but if it boosts your ego then sure? :person_shrugging:

Just gonna hit the reply button and walk away slowly.

Every mage has access to Arcane, Fire and Frost. He can cast w/e he wants, but his talents are Frost, that is what makes it great in PVP. He is “allowed” to cast Fire Blast, Flamestrike, Arcane Missle, Fireball, w/e, but he is a Frost Mage in terms of the talents he invested into.

If frostbolt for example get buffed like you are saying for PVE, what would happen is that this guy on top of having tons of resources in PvP, would also be able to destroy ppl with Frostbolt. So to keep it fair, he don’t have a lot of dmg, but he have a lot of survival mechanics.