Frost mage needs love

:yawning_face::yawning_face::yawning_face::yawning_face: glad to hear youre getting your daily steps in

Frostbolt requires shatter mechanic. Which he does not spec into in this build. So once again no, you could buff all the pve runes for frost and his build would not see an increase in power or resources. Please you obviously dont play game, stop the strawman.

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Nah he’s not a Frost mage, he’s an Elementalist. The whole point of Runes is to further spec identity. No one plays Frost mage just to run Fire and Arc runes. Frostbolt isn’t destroying anyone, his Frostbolts crit for 800, that’s what my non-crit Starfires hit for on 1.6s cast lmfao.

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To all Mages: How much does your Ice Lance hit for in PvP, self buffed, crit and none crit?

Thanks in advance.

If you super juice it you can get it to about 700 crit, which is about 68% crit super juiced with shatter. No berserker buff here either.

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While wearing full PVE gear + world buffs prob haha

Yeah but he have all the survival skills I just mentioned, you don’t…

Or he would use it because the damage got soo high… I don’t think you legit want to understand different point of views, so believe on w/e makes you happy. And maybe stop looking at Mage posts and improve your shaman, looks sad.

Yeah but it doesnt take in consideration either that this requires shatter. Which means blink + nova (defenses down) or a 15% FoF proc. That requires luck from FFB, SFB, CoC, Imp Blizz, or Frost Armor.

We do have a semi decent burst window with a sheep into FFB + Nova combo, but its like 1/3rd the burst of other 1 shot setups (and isn’t a full 1 shot).

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Ice Barrier is 455+10% spellpower. That’s nothing. That’s 1 non-crit Lava Lash from an Enh. I’m sorry you’re still traumatized from 20 years ago or Classic but this is SoD. Absolutely no one is scared of seeing a Frost mage on the battlefield anymore, I suggest you get over it.

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This guy clearly wasn’t around during OG classic. He is wrong, proven wrong, and still doubling down. That is some new age mentality.

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Ion Hazzikostas aka Watcher, the game director of world of warcraft mains an Orc Shaman from what I hear. Its always good to question who benefits.

Ian isn’t involved in SOD as far as we know (clearly could be involved in some capacity in inner workings though).

Hi, just another frost mage lover wanting to say I’m also waiting for some frost mage love when it comes to PVE content. For those that say frost mages can’t be buffed because it would make them monsters in PVP content, I would hope blizz can come up with solutions for that. Or at the very least, tell us that love being a frost mage that they can be expected to always be at the bottom of pve damage so I can quit playing my mage right now. Being bottom dps in pve content two phases in a row is terrible…

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IN BGs, I have 3.6k hp buffed + ice barrier, mana shield, flame/frost ward in primarily ‘of the eagle’ gear. 2.5k self buffed. Mage has always had an absurd amount of utility and frost spec in particular with its defensive/control nature.

IMO, people underestimate mages and then get wrecked 1v1. With a brain freeze proc, an extra instant 1k is no joke. With the high dmg output of classes currently, I find it’s a bit of an “all in” approach but still very viable with CS, Ice Blocks, novas, etc.

The biggest limitation in BGs I find is mana. It takes a lot of mana to make use of your whole kit which is fine 1v1 or in a team fight situation in which you might not be focused or you have other supports, but as soon as it’s 1v2+, it’s very hard to do without going oom (or getting lucky with procs).

With Living Flame nerf, I guess Icy Veins might be the play moving forward. Wouldn’t have minded the reduced time/duration of LF if it didnt come with reduce movement speed. Seemed like the fact that it crawled on the ground, it already had a built in ‘lesser’ appeal than a typical dot that you cant outrun.

I guess I should add I do spec into Shatter (basically full frost) and use brain freeze, frostfire bolt, burnout, LB, and now icy veins

It’s usually x2 as it’s up prefight as well so I find it quite useful and necessary.

Well jokers new video just proves that frost mages is a viable DPS spec.

hard casted spells should always be the most appealing as far as dps/set up for burst. Frostbolt might need some help, and ice barrier blocking half a mutilate also seems outdated.

Same is true of marksman hunters, by that logic.

Same dilemna. Why go a worse spec when there is a better spec in your class? Issuing though is you gotta go melee for hunters.