Frost DK Needs a Rework

I like it. I’ll call Ion after lunch.

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if only it were that easy.

I really like how frost plays but as it stands Breath is just so strong and it will always be stronger with the current talent set up because any buffs would also buff breath

I honestly think 2H Obliteration is the best build choice for the majority of Mythic+.

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Why arent you spending RP in Obliteration windows? Too many Rime procs? If you dont have a Rime proc you should be using Frost Strike.

If you have no reason to press Frost Strike during Obliteration windows, that just frees up more room for BoS to use it since you just alternate between Howling Blast and Obliterate during the window.

What? I’m not playing oblit rn but I’m always pressing frost strike when i do.

Literally the only spec that takes it is 2H Obliteration for M+. Thats it. Having it benefit from Cold Blooded Rage would help but it only gets taken because its better than Frost Scythe. Which is a really low bar to begin with.

This has literally nothing to do with what I said, but ok lmfao. Re-read what I said. The complaint was that physical damage Oblits are garbage and the skill should always do Frost damage. Our “big hitter” should never crit for f*****g 18k.

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Obliteration builds take GA for AoE bosses and M+, which is exactly the point. It’s an AoE spender like Epidemic, it’s not supposed to replace Frost Strike. Of course BoS builds won’t take it since they’re focused on Breath to begin with. Saying “Only 2h takes it and only for M+” is like saying Meat Cleaver in the Fury tree or Crash Lightning in the Enhancement tree are bad because they don’t do damage. Whirlwind and Crash aren’t supposed to do damage, they’re supposed to facilitate your kit to do AoE damage.

Does GA need a damage buff? No; it already does 60% of a FS and that’s plenty since it’s uncapped. Should it be on Icecap? Without a doubt yes.

You make it sound like I’m disagreeing with you when I’m not. You either had an issue comprehending what I’ve said, or you’re just looking to argue. The point is, these forums complained that Obliterate didn’t hit hard all through Legion & BFA. The result was putting more power into KM procs which meant the rest of the kit had to come down now that Obliterate would 4x its tooltip during KM instead of 0.4x, after accounting for armor DR.

But no, the idea to make Obliterate do 100% Frost damage all the time is not a good idea and won’t fix the issue you have, only exacerbate it.

So how does obliteration not give a crap about runic power?

If someone wants to give me a late Christmas present, I’d love to see an edited video of Office Space where theyre breaking the copy machine and have the Breath Icon over the copier.


Now I remember why I have you on ignore. I made a mistake of trying to see what you had to say.


Pretty sad that you just ignore people you disagree with, but to be expected from someone that thinks “Make Obliterate always do Frost damage” would be a good design.

That is great to hear. Mythic+ is the only end game I can do these days and 2h Obliteration is my favorite frost DK build.

Because it’s okay to overcap on it. Frost strike doesn’t do that much.

Sounds like a first step for the obliteration spec would be buffing frost strike then.

Improved frost strike talent could modified as follows:

Improved Frost Strike 0/2
Increase the damage of frost strike by 10/20%. Also spends up to 10/20 aditional runic power and increases its damage 50/100%.

Now the obliteration build is more competitive in single target with the breath build and uses up the excess runic power to do so.

Next step would be letting killing machine stack to 2 or 3 charges to make it more forgiving.


So? Ive never really seen people complain about having too many resources Unless Frost Strike would be doing more than Rime or Obliterate you arent going to be pressing it in Obliteration windows if the others come up. Just stick with the priority, worry about doing the damage instead of “omg I cant believe I was able to overcap on RP again” that means you have more than enough runes and Rime procs at that point.

I dont see the problem.

The problem is you don’t want to press it outside of Obliteration windows either. It feels bad to press and it does about the same damage as Obliterate, but Obliterate actually has synergies throughout most of the kit and tree while Frost Strike is just locked to itself.

RP feels bad to spend in general outside of GA and BoS and is essentially the same as the few weeks on beta where Fury’s Rampage wasn’t worth the rage cost & GCD and it was better to press anything else or even skip the talent.


Killing Machine does indeed need to stack at minimum at least twice, that is a must. 3 might be excessive


Frost Strike has synergies as well. Cold Blooded Rage, Shattering Strikes, Icy Talons, Unleashed Frenzy, Icecap, Obliteration.

Is this just a 2h thing? I still dont get the problem.

CBR is garbage. Talons and Frenzy are passively kept up and that’s not a synergy since it’s any RP spender. Shattering Blade is the only real synergistic talent in the Frost tree that actively encourages you to prioritize FS over other abilities. There’s 0 incentive - for DW and 2h Obliterate - to cast FS when just about every rune spender is far, far better.

And that’s the issue, because BoS gets to passively spend the RP and allow you to continue spending runes while Obliteration has to actively spend the RP on abilities that feel worthless to press and don’t actively contribute for what you want to achieve as Obliteration.

  • GA AoEs and applies Razorice but you really want to cleave KMs with DND, and GA won’t win out until 9~ targets if you’re cleaving KMs.
  • FS is ST but doesn’t win out against any form of cleave/AoE for Obliteration, and you don’t care for Shattering Blade in AoE/cleave.

Yes, you’re spending RP with Obliteration, but it’s akin to pressing Whirlwind in ST because all your other fury generators are on CD. You really don’t want to, but you have to. Outside of that, the RP spending buffs aren’t “synergy”, they’re maintenance buffs and it’s easy to throw or a FS or GA when you don’t have a KM proc, but you 99% of the time let them drop if your choice is “keep up the buff or use a KM”.