Frost dk might be saved!

Current (DF) Frost DK always massively overcaps RP during Pillar – so no difference there.

Oh no, yeah, I know that…its just that every other spec I’ve played has tried to hammer it into you that you should try to avoid capping resources where possible so it just seems odd for it to be a staple of the class. This seemed like a change to move away from that and give options to spend RP so I was just curious about why it seemed to be so hated.

DK, In particular frost, has historically been a very resource control based spec. The initial tree for frost was pretty half baked and has so many effects from previous tier/legendaries that were by themselves meant to give a moderate increase to overall resources.

In DF the over capping was so severe that I’ve had pillar windows that the optimally choice was to waste 90% of my RP to over capping.

The “Fix” to this was to make it so when you did spend RP in pillar you spent much more. These notes rolled all that back in favor of slowing down resources overall which is almost always the best for DK due to our resource system always needing to conform to the base 6 runes.

No guides that I’ve found and I doubt many will with how much more blizzard is changing in the lead up than any other expansion. Also jut not many Frost DK content creators.

However they choose to do it, the devs need to find a way to separate BoS from Obliteration. I am not a BoS enjoyer and this “omni-frost” build sounds about as much fun as finding a pile of Legos on one’s way to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

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I think the only way its possible to stop players from taking both is to either make more 2 point nodes so its actually impossible to get to both, or to make one of the other capstones a must have.

That’s what I expected The Long Winter would’ve been before Pillar ramp got axed due to keeping high ramp for 5 extra seconds being crazy good and I think the massive buff to Icy Death Torrent may have been an attempt to conserve that line of talents as the must pick that stops players from picking both breath and Obliteration.

Appreciate the insight, friend. My DK expertise lies solely with blood because I tank more often than not…but the bit of testing I did with frost on the beta last night felt fun. It just felt odd to cap, or be close to capping, resources so much (which points to just inefficiencies on my part if they’ve already slowed down resource gen). I can definitely see this being a fun spec to play on the nights I may not want to tank a key… :sweat_smile:

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Oh my god

We’re so back boys

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New buffs to frost are feeling really juicy right now.