Frost dk might be saved!

  • Frost
    • Icecap now crits with Obliterate and Frost Strike no longer reduce Icecap cooldown. Now grants 15 second cooldown for Pillar of Frost.

    • Spending runes no longer increases the Strength bonus of Pillar of Frost.

    • Enduring Strength’s Strength bonus decreased to 15% (was 25%).

    • The functionality that increased Obliteration’s Frost Strike runic power cost and damage has been removed.

    • Murderous Efficiency’s chance to grant a Rune reduced to 25% (was 50%).

    • Frost Strike damage increased by 23%.

    • Obliterate damage increased by 23%.

    • Howling Blast damage increased by 23%.

    • Frost Fever damage increased by 23%.

    • Remorseless Winter damage increased by 23%.

    • Glacial Advance damage increased by 23%.

    • Frostsycthe damage increased by 5%.

    • Chill Streak damage increased by 23%.

    • Frostwyrm’s Fury damage increased by 10%.

    • Breath of Sindragosa damage increased by 23% and cost per second reduced to 17 (was 18).

    • Icy Death Torrent damage increased by 100%.

    • Inexorable Assault damage increased by 23%.


I think that means the only lingering issues are FDK’s ability to survive in pvp along with (hopefully) capping the duration on BoS, no?

If we can just get Cleaving strikes altered or removed well be… Chillin.
This news has made my day.


i actually screamed out loud a little bit when i saw this lol


Was comin in hot with the same take haha
But yeah this is a nice change!


Even if they don’t change it at least it will be so much less impactful now that less of our damage will be locked behind scaling obliteration on 3 targets!
I wish the forum would let me use expletives to express how happy I am.


What is this?

There was a previous change that while obliteration was active frost strike would deal extra damage and cost extra RP. That line is just them walking back the change.

Yeah that was dumb and glad thry reverted it so quickly.

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Im actually finding it to be ok this season with the bigger health pools.

Im able to survive ok against physical damage dealers with effective chains of ice kiting…i dont love doing it as a spec thats meant to be tanky but its working ok.

I think that playstyle is here to stay, as we still wont be able to go toe to toe with warriors and monks, especially without a MS and they are doubling down on our strength against magic with new talent tree.

The removal of ramp up time, is arguably good due to making ability usage during pillar less restrictive, the rest of the changes no.

Icecap and efficiency nerfs will just result in a less fun gameplay.

As for the removal of the obliteration frost strike thing, there was nothing wrong with the ability, people were complaining that it was just a “bandaid” Fix, in other words, it did reduce the problem of wasting runic power, but not in the way the “player” wanted. The way “the player” wanted, was to reduce resources, which is crazy talk, and shouldn’t be listened to, oh well, now they did, and efficiency is nerfed, enjoy.

Reduction of resources will just result in you wasting some killing machines during pillar, mark my words. Which will feel far worse than just wasting some runic power, but at least you have the resources to spend. This is exactly why i didn’t want to see any resource generation nerfs for obliteration, because it’s just so obvious what’s gonna happen. Use your brain for a little while please.

But what do i know. Everyone’s a genius, except when they’re wrong, and my track record is usually one of being correct.

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I am so happy about these changes, biggest W for Frost so far!

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The entire set of changes was to move power out of pillar of frost and back into baseline abilities. The Frost Scythe in Obliteration change did the opposite.

The thing is that the frost strike thing should have never been a only obliteration thing.

They should have made it so frost strike always consumes up to x more when you have it, same for glacial advance.

But the idea itself works. If they also increased rp cap the “problem” would have been lessened even more.

But what do i know, iv’e only been right about 9.5 times out of 10.

I guess the “solution” is to reduce resources, so now during obliteration you have the fun experience of wasting killing machine procs, damn! What a great idea. Same for icecap, so fun, damn! They should definitely listen to this kind of feedback more, so they damage the flow of more specs.

In short, removing only the ramp up, or making it a choice node with icecap would have been enough. But no, they just had to touch other things that actually will damage the flow of the spec. Congratulations, you got what you wanted. All for the sake of “balance” What is this “balance” No one knows, it’s basically what i like, what i like is good for balance, what i don’t like i bad for balance.

And don’t at me, this is literally what it is, there are many examples where other specs work well with these ideas. Enhance works well with this, fire mage, frost mage etc etc… Variable cdr/cde isn’t really a problem if done well, which for the most part it is, and no, just “but what about muh flat profile” that’s not an issue. Many specs perform more than fine with a flat profile, and let’s not pretend that players don’t overinflate what “flat” actually is. Until you have literally the profile of unholy dk, some people consider the spec flat, which is freaking insane talk.

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All of theses classes can also do damage outside of their cd windows, while frost literally could not. What are you even talking about?


Did you not read his post? He’s right 9.5 times out of 10. That’s a 95% success rate!


That’s not an issue because pillar uptime is higher than 50%.

Also fire mage DOES NOT do good damage outside of combustion. But due to the high uptime, this isn’t really a big issue.

Try again.

You know, i always get pseudo intellectuals trying to argue against my points, eventually i’m proven right.

Blade flurry generating combo points? My suggestion
Elemental assault proccing msw with lava lash? My suggestion, they even added ice strike which is just a cherry on top
Explosives being removed? My suggestion.
Even recently, the new decimation talent for destruction, which reduces the cast time of soul fire significantly, that was also one of my suggestions, and it’s literally one of the most liked talents for destruction.
Making slice and dice less of a bother by either making it a passive or at least giving some form of extension so you never have to press it again after the opener, which they basically did with cut to the chase? My suggestion

I could go on and on, and at each turn there were people like you saying how i was wrong, and guess what, i am not.

Ill take my track record of being right, over your track record of not knowing wtf you are talking about.


Despite what people are saying, frost dk gameplay has taken a pretty significant dump today. The only change that could be considered good is only the ramp up time, that’s the only thing they could have touched, instead they touched other things, and now frost dk gameplay will suffer.

They even did this for unholy, while trying to fix rp resource waste for unholy, they actually make sudden death still consume RP, and just reduce the cost, which leads to moments where you have nothing to press in st if you’re unlucky. Which feels infinitely worse than just wasting some rp.

But do go on.

Actually, please don’t, don’t speak to me, as you have nothing of note to say.


Well after the changes I’ve done quite a lot of testing on the beta. The flow (Meaning the back and forth or RP to runes and smoothness of rotation.) Is almost perfect for where the available haste values are at, and it will likely improve with haste rather than being constantly over capped.

Also unless you are going to increase the number and cost of runes then reducing the amount of RP flooding the spec is the right choice. Runes having a permanent set value means that the resource system always has to rebalanced around the base value of 6.

Guess were in a 5% area then.


Please get over yourself. Have you seen fire in tww?
You literally are posting on account that clearly has done 0 content. The Pillar CDR, assuming you don’t do any mechanics with 100% uptime was slightly less than a 45 sec cd. Now it is a base 45 cd regardless. Meaning you don’t need to have 100% uptime, you can do mechanics without feeling like total crap about your own damage.

Sustain damage will go up substantially. Numbers tuning still needs to be done, but the spec is so much healthier. But it seems you are in the lot of Oblit go brrr and that is all your damage.

LMAO the fact you are taking credit for any change is hilarious considering I haven’t seen you post any feedback during the beta or alpha forums.

How can you actually test anything you are "giving feedback’ for if you don’t have access to the beta/alpha previously.


Lol. PoF Scaling being bad for the spec was my suggestion, and about a thousand other people. Claiming a piece of feedback that widely discussed and asked for as your own is silly.

Tips Fedora “No one understands my genius.”

I love this. Keep it coming.