Frost DK looking for guild for TWW

I’m a very casual player that likes to do a bit of everything in the game. My preference is just questing but I like to do the occasional dungeon or raid. I’m not great at them but I like to do them. I’m used to playing alone but I thought I would try to find a guild for TWW. I’d like to eventually be good enough and geared enough to try mythics. I’m on Thunderlord if that even matters.


Hey Dahknezz,

We have a casual raiding guild called The Killer Bunnies. We are helpful and play because we like to hang out together. We raid Tuesday and Wednesday 8:30 to 10:30pm est and do Mythic plusses Monday and Friday.

If you would like to talk more O can be reached at Anaranae#1516 on bnet or @Anaranae on Discord.

I hope to talk to you soon :slight_smile:

Thanks. I am interested in joining your guild. I’m not sure how to contact you on bnet so I sent a friend request.

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Here is my guild post if you’d want to take a look. We are pretty casual, with a great, friendly atmosphere. We love helping each other out whether it be gearing, mog farming etc.

We would love to have you.

Guild: Syzygy
Server: Zul’jin (Horde)
Time Zone: Eastern (server time)

We are a semi-casual, mid-core, adult friendly AOTC focused guild and we strive to maintain an inclusive culture that is inviting from a social aspect while also being productive with our raids and key runs.

We are currently looking to grow our community of raiders, M+ runners, transmog & achievement chasers and casual players. Whether you are a veteran player or new to the game or somewhere in between, we welcome you to join us!

Raid Times: Friday/Saturday 8:00-11:00 pm (EST)

Raiding Current Needs:
Tank - open
Healer - open
RDPS - open
MDPS - open
! Any and all capable players will be considered, offspecs are a big plus !

A bit about us …

As mature adults, we have jobs, kids, and commitments outside of WoW – we understand that this is a game and we work hard to enjoy our free time with our friends. To that end we aren’t looking for people that bring drama, discrimination or hatefulness to our guild.

We are a community made up of different religions, races, sexual orientations, political beliefs and are LGBTQIA+ friendly. If you don’t have manners and decorum, or can’t have a discussion where parties agree to disagree respectfully, we aren’t your tribe. If you are open to meeting new people, sharing and experiencing new perspectives and having a great time then hit us up.

Interested or have any questions? Contact one of us:

Discord Contact(s):
Cat: crazy_catz
Cloud: cloudyaffects82

BNet Contact(s):
Cat: quirk#1650
Cloud: cloud82#11941

Hey Dahknezz! Please consider our new guild, the new Tyrrish Rebellion! We are looking to raid and achieve AOTC in The War Within but at the end of the day just having a fun group to play World of Warcraft and possibly other games together is the main goal.

Our raid schedule for TWW is Wednesday/Thursday Evenings 8:30 to 10:30 Eastern.

We are grown adults with Kids that don’t have all the time in the world to play like we used to. We understand things come up, we understand raiding isn’t for everyone. We value yours and our limited free time and don’t want to squander that or have it filled with unnecessary drama.

Let me know if you are interested or have any questions :slight_smile:

Discord: Faiery Faiery#1306

Hi Dahknezz,

I run a small casual EST Alliance social guild on Proudmoore and we are a social guild that’s more of a community that we have built over the years and we are both new and returning player friendly. Our main thing is we enjoy doing stuff together as a group to help each other out and have fun more than just doing content for the sake of it. We also enjoy helping each other out whether that’s gearing up, running for transmog, or helping with an alt and as a social group we are also pretty much always on our discord when we are on. We mainly do mythic+ but plan to return to some casual normal raiding at some point in the war within.

Happy to chat more if your interested my battle net is wyvernflame#1720 and my discord is wyvernflame

Hai! We may be a good fit for what you are looking for. I will drop my GM’s blurb below and just let him know Shadow sent ya!

Betrayed Saints on US Stormrage is looking for members to join our ranks! We are a Casual Social guild, with the main objective to build a strong and fun community!

Being we are a casual guild that enjoys all different types of content and building a family like community! We are small but as we grow have more people diving into end game content as the season progresses. Plus we have those who love chasing mogs, achievements, secret unlocking and mount/pet collectors as well. Plus Discord is always hoping, even if VC isn’t yet for the day.

Most, if no all, of us are working adults or parents with children that play when we can! Life priorities first after all!

Many people are finishing the grind in panda remix and starting to swap back to retail to preparing for WW within the next couple of months! We will be forming a raid team during War within, but for now just doing pickups here and there to try and get some gear and the awakened mount. We are also helping those interested in pushing keys to obtain 2k IO for the mount as well.

We run a monthly lottery that’s been a huge hit and you could win some dough!!!

If you’re a casual player horde or ally! Come on down! We accept everyone!

Feel free to reach out to the below!
Cainnix: Discord- MythryngMyst
FYI he akf tonight :slight_smile:

Hi! I am recruiting for our raid team, but also for our guild. We are happy and enjoy helping new players grow. I’m going to attach our guild page for you to take a quick look through, and if your interested… I would love to sit down and chat with you! Best of luck on your guild hunt!!

Hello Dahknezz,

We are a very casual-friendly guild recruiting more for TWW. Happy to help get you geared and into M+ dungeons if you’d like. Realm and faction are not a factor for us, so happy to have you join from Thunderlord server. Let me know if interested!

Venomfang Cultists is a smaller, cross faction/cross realm guild on Emerald Dream, looking for more late night players for M+ and casual raiding. We are a mature, friendly guild, happy to help new or returning players with leveling and gearing up, and getting in M+ groups ASAP. Groups typically start forming 10 PM pacific, Midnight server time. All classes, specs, and skill levels are welcome. We will get KSM each season, but M+ is kept fun. Raiding even more so, with most members content to see the Raids…We are not an AOTC focused guild by any means. If you are a late night player looking for regular M+ groups, or just some folks to hang out with during late night play sessions, please consider joining us. You can message Willowthorn#1522 on Battle.Net, Shadethistle on Discord, or look for us in the in-game guild finder.