{H/A} <AZRA> LFM friendly helpful players of any experience level for TWW

Hello all!
Are you looking for a chill, laid back guild? Then AZRA might be the perfect home for you!

Our guild is ran by me and my husband. We are looking to add more members to our steadily growing family. We welcome players of any skill level, as we will all grow together. If you are the type of player that loves to mentor and guide the newer folks, we welcome you too! Anyone, no matter your playstyle, is welcome to join. Alts are welcome as well, even if you would like to make one to try us out first before committing.

We also have an active discord server for VC, guides, tips, and random banter

Most of us are active in the evenings 5pm. est. to 11pm. est. due to working during the day Monday to Friday, and weekends are also very active days for our guild. A few of us are on all day throughout the week (me included).

As parents of smaller children, we know that sometimes finding the time to game is hard. But we also know life comes first, which is why we don’t have any rules about how often people have to log in. So don’t worry if you can’t play every day. We will still be here whenever you find the time.

Guild Goals:
Our main goal is to just have fun playing the game together in a relaxed environment and make new friends along the way. We love teaching and offering advice to our members whenever they need help.

We are looking to add some members to our full guild raid team. As of right now, we need some ranged DPS and healers to join our guild for TWW. Even if you don’t have any raid-ready characters, we plan to work as a team to farm the gear/levels needed when the time comes.

We will be scheduling weekly events and giveaways for our members, as we do in any game is a part of.

Our ranking system within our guild is unique in the fact that we promote not by how well you get along with the guild leaders, but by how often you are willing to help out other members in the guild. Too many games have cliques within guilds that get you promoted or ignored. We want you to know that we see the effort you put in when you go out of your way to offer advice, or just run dungeons with guildmates when they ask. That is why we choose to promote this way. Everyone should feel like they can be included, no matter what content is being ran.

Guild Rules:
Ahhh… the dreaded rule section… lucky for you, we only have one rule. Just be respectful to your fellow guild members, and you’ll do just fine. That’s all we ask of you. Too many rules can make the game too complicated and not fun to play anymore when you feel like you are walking around on eggshells, so we figure just being respectful is the only rule needed.

I know, that was a long post, so I thank those of you that took the time to read it. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to join us, please reach out to me or my husband! We look forward to hearing from you soon!

My Discord: Morticia_Endzeit
My Bnet: StormShadow#13316

Husbands Discord: Malicide#8244
Husbands Bnet: Magus#1378

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We are still recruiting! ^^

We welcome timerunners as well! ^^

Raid times?

hello i just started playing retail wow few days agoo…lvl 39 BM hunter. Just need a guild to do dungeons and stuff with…I work full time during the week as well…whats the best way to get in contact?

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Alot of us have full time jobs, so many of us get on in the evenings est. and Discord would probably be the best way to chat. Morticia_Endzeit

Still recruiting…we plan on having two raid groups in tww. :smiley: