Frost DK is utter trash in PvP

Better get your backup excuses prepared :saluting_face:

naw, hes gonna dip because hes been called out on his BS

These clowns love to talk about FDK being so good but literally all of them have nothing more than their vendetta against the spec and the ability to spread misinformation about it

Ive yet to see any of these people post a legitimate argument since ive been reading these forums. They all know if FDK was even half as good as their specs theyd get trashed by FDK players like me and thats the very last thing they want to happen

Sounds kind of like Ret players not too long ago.

Also the spec was trashing people just fine last season.

Sounds like you trying to divert away from the point knowing its the truth

Maybe if you played absolutely awful and didnt know how to spread or press defensives trade trinkets or use disarm. Oh no i lost because i played bad? NERF FDK

Oh i lost because the devo 1 shot me? NERF FDK

It’s really not quite that simple, and you know that.

It really is quite that simple, but go ahead and keep running away from literally every point mentioned above because you know it cant be argued against

Okay, perhaps my faith was misplaced.


Good, Youre a dishonest person i dont want your faith im sick of seeing you spew the same garbage about my spec everytime i open a forum about it

Literally every FDK forum i see you happen to be there trying to propagate the same mantra about it somehow actually being so much better than the FDK players think it is

I wont respect a single word you say about this spec until you start playing it yourself and living up to all the things you say about the spec

So i can send a picture of overall damage breakdown cuz I never pulled up the death recap in my recording.

No, Because im already very aware of how much obliterate is on a FDK damage breakdown. You made the argument you got hit back to back by 150k obliterates so if you cant support that argument what makes you think i care about you just showing me a chart that says obliterates at the top?

You people dont realize how many fdks including myself dont want obliterate to be the only button on our actionbar that deals any damage whatsoever, But i cant respect you when you falsely claim its stronger than it actually is. I play this spec all the time the average obliterate is around 70k-99k during burst and even THAT ISNT THAT STRONG

Its a highly inefficient button unless people stand inside your Death and Decay and allow you to cleave that 70k-99k on 3 targets at once which basically means youre at the mercy of the other team playing like absolute trash just to have a shot at winning

Know how to counter fdk? Hold W and stay as spread out as possible

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In a vacuum the spec may not be ideal in strength or playstyle but it slots very nicely into certain compositions whose performance is what I’m basing my thoughts on.

I’m not saying FDK is some excellent, versatile 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 pick that can be slotted in everywhere.

This always gets brought up but it’s immaterial.

I think you must be doing something completely wrong, because I can send you at least 50 recordings of games where oblit hits well over 100k during pillar.

Do you not know how your own specs burst works? You can most definitely make use of d&d with grip blind. You are guaranteed to have at least 2 people in your go

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Oh you mean Devo DK? Devo being the worst designed spec in the entire game capable of 1 shotting 3 players in a single button press

You mean Arms warrior FDK? An inferior comp for the arms warrior but nonetheless a comp where the fdk grips and the arms warrior spears bladestorms and applies a -50% MS to 2 targets effectively winning the game by themselves?

You mean WW DK a comp where the DK grips and the Monk does instant non gimmicky 1 shot explosion damage to the whole team while also applying a -25% MS to the kill target effectively winning the game by themselves with their damage and healing reduction combined?

Let me explain very simply for you why FDK players are so mad. We do not like being walmart rogues

We do not like being setup bots for our partners

Every FDK player chose this spec because they thought it would be a primary damage dealer melee bruiser type dps spec

A spec where you go into melee, Do damage, And stay in melee. Thats how the spec was years ago, but slowly overtime its been changed into the weird garabge it is now

Its an average, Im not doing anything wrong i understand perfectly how my spec functions. I didnt say it was impossible to hit harder than 99k i said the AVERAGE was 70k-99k so let me know when you learn what the word average means

I legit dont care what you have to say here, If you think its so easy i encourage you to go play a DK right now and try to do that exact thing you just claimed was a “guarantee” go see how that works out for you

I already know how itll go too, You have almost no gametime on FDK so i know for a hard fact youre gonna go super negative and get your teeth kicked in game after game. One thing you dont realize is the only fdks that succeed are the hardcore veteran longtime fdk players who play the spec religiously

The playstyle you need to have to make FDK work is among the hardest most boring most tilting, most gimmicky playstyles in the entire game. Its near impossible for any remotely casual player to perform well on the spec hence why nobody plays it, hence why its representation is extremely low, Because most people know that they have to exert 10x the amount of effort to make that spec work when they could just go play arms or ret and OOK OOK win games without a second thought

Actually, Go play the spec yourself before continuing this conversation with me, I wont respect any claim you make until you do. If you go pick up a frost dk and absolutely slay in solo shuffles and record VoDs of you making it look like cake and as OP as you claim, I will humbly admit im bad and have a L2P issue but until then dont try to make claims that this spec is good

Im willing to say something like that knowing that if you did end up following through and doing it, Youd very quickly realize how wrong you were and how right i was so seriously i encourage you to try and personally prove me wrong


Who cares about the average, it’s not the average during pillar. The average is being brought down from non pillar damage.

Are you saying the go isn’t guaranteed? You stand on target. You grip other target you press blind there’s your go.
I haven’t really played dk on live, but I did play it a ton of beta. I know how the spec works. It’s not rocket science. I’ve also played with it a number of different season gotten well over 2700 with it and even pushed front page with frost dk ret before

I agree with the boring and tilted part. Doing a go and then running away for a minute waiting for your next go isn’t some giga brain thing you think it is.

I would, but I’m trying to learn specs for awc so don’t really have to time to play frost dk. Maybe after just for fun cuz the spec is pretty braindead and easy.

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Im referring to the average killing machine crit during Pillar, You are incorrect here

Obliterates damage in PoF has a large quantity of modifiers it can dip into.

Frostwelps +8% damage per stack up to 5 for a max of 40%. Needs 5 targets to hit

Bonegrinder 20% frost damage after landing 6 killing machines in 10s

PoF 25% strength +2% per rune

Razorice 3% frost damage 5 stacks, max of 15%. Takes 5 howling blasts to get the full effect

Fallen crusader 15% strength on a random proc

Badge/insignia flat STR gain

This is why the average is 70k-99k because its very difficult to get all these modifiers to be active all at once, at full power, on a target who hasnt shut down your burst via CC or defensives

Theres your little explanation hopefully you are less ignorant and will stop assuming that 150k obliterates are a normal thing on the spec. Im telling you for a fact normal burst obliterates float in the 70k-99k range unless you get a little lucky, or play exceptionally well, or dont get cced at all

Yes, Good players understand how to play spread out, making the grip setup hard to achieve and take miliseconds longer to setup which can give them enough spread to ruin the go, if that fails good players know how to rotate their trinkets properly and in a way where someone can immediately disarm or CC the dk, Or leave the DnD to stop the cleave damage. FDK pure single target is not enough to win games and they depend very heavily on 2-3 targets staying in DnD to deal damage thats actually scary to the team

Im extremely aware

You are the one putting those words into my mouth, I never claimed it was giga brained i claimed it was hard and its because it is. Its the most simple thing on paper but if you actually had a FDK and tried to put it into practice youd understand why i say its hard

My point is proven

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Didn’t say 150k was normal. I did say over 100k is extremely normal. Also even if the average was 80k+ you realize that’s 20% of someones health. And you combine that with chill streak damage + all the other passive forms of damage and you can do someone’s entire health bar with oblit frost strike oblit.

See this is the skill issue part of things. Good frost dk’s will almost always get their go. Doesn’t matter how much you try to ween it will happen eventually.
The only cc you can use to peel dk is disarm. If your team doesn’t have a disarm you cannot peel the go. The combination of ibf ams and lichborn makes sure of that. And even if your team does have a disarm, that’s one trinket down making you even closer to your win condition. Also you could do this crazy thing where you use your trinket on the disarm, since they won’t be able to get value from it till your trinkets back up.

Alrighty then lets just ignore the rest of the comment haha. It definitely does help you push your point even if it’s wrong haha.

It is the most simple thing. Period. Don’t try to make people believe one of the easiest specs in the game has any skill expression. It’s literally 123 go, afk for 60 seconds do it again. Even your damage is just press shiny button as much as you can.

I do not understand why your crying about them nerfing the one mechanic that’s pigeonholing your spec into the most boring playstyle imaginable. You want pillar to be nerfed. If they don’t nerf pillar they can’t justifiably buff any other part of the specs kit and as it is right now. It does not deserve to exist only winning with the cheesiest goes imaginable where you can 100-0 someone in 2 seconds why cross ccing the rest of the team.

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So i have to use 5 obliterates to kill one player by myself who hasnt used any defensive, CC, received any healing, or made any attempt to kite the damage

And to get those 5 obliterates i need to use 3-5 froststrikes/howling blasts that deal almost no damage

that you have to talent for, That also costs a rune, (dont forget runes exist and you only get 6, obliterate costing 2. Its very possible to become runestarved during PoF and does happen fairly often)

Every single other form of damage on FDK does almost no damage at all. Its extremely extremely extremely marginal and thats part of the issue

This is blatantly false, Im a multi glad FDK and i am friends with multi glad fdks, and rank 1 dks. We talk about how garbage this spec is a fair bit

Using your defensives as frost to use your burst usually leads to you dying very easily

I ignored the rest of the comment because playing a spec in the beta is completely irrelevant to how the spec ends up on live, Theres 0 competetive play in beta, all the classes are grossly undertuned or overtuned, The realms are cross world and you can play with people who have 89000090 ping, Ontop of me just not caring what experience you claim to have on the spec considering that earlier this conversation you were blatantly dishonest about having screenshots of “back to back obliterates for 150k” so sorry if i dismiss a comment like that immediately. Its not like you havent spewed falsehood before

Not in practice, Only on paper when you read it and think about it. But anything in the entire world can be dumbed down and made to seem easier than it actually is. Rock climbing is just sticking your fingers into cracks and pulling yourself up

Rogue is just pressing kidney shot and mashing evis

Warlock is just using conflag into shadowburn into bolt

It has a lot of skill expression, Just not really inside its rotation. You wouldnt know that because you dont play the spec at all so its ironic to hear you tell me not to tell people something about the spec i play when you yourself havent a single clue

Fdks arent crying because PoF got nerfed. FDKs are crying because nerfing PoF and buffing our damage in the way they did only equated to a 1-2% damage gain overall. It literally will change virtually nothing. These patch notes for FDK couldve just straight up not happened and it would function the same as it will when they do

If youre going to make a change like they did to FDK, Numbers that actually mean something need to be put on the board. Not a net 1-2% gain

Especially not a 1-2% gain on abilities that already only do 25k damage. You realize how little 1-2% is on a button that only does 25k??? LOOOOOL


FDK does not do this. How many times do i have to explain that its the evoker/ww/arms warrior partner that does this damage, Not the FDK. Ill say this again since your skull seems to be very thick

FDK is a setup bot, for the other much stronger, much superior, much more damage capable specs that it plays with. Nothing more, Nothing less.

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Killing machine and frost strike/ rime procs all have rune generation.

2400 glad doesn’t mean you are good or even know what your doing on a spec. I’ve never said the spec is op, but the set up is very free for most comps it plays. Solo shuffle doesn’t matter, set up specs always do worse in a random environment.

Some instances you can use defensives offensively to secure kills, lots of specs can do it. If it doesn’t work you will be put behind. Nothing original here.

Idk playing at 2400 mmr on beta where every single game is against someone like cdew, mes, dipi or other multi r1 players probably means quite a bit. Also frost ended up being practically the same as it was on beta on live with practically no changes all season.

Frost dk is and always has been an extremely basic spec. You rotation is simple your go is simple, your kit is very simple. Frost dk is an easy spec, clearly nothing I say will prove you otherwise, so this argument is moot.

Explain and I’ll say why not. The only cool thing you can do are things with grip. And that’s a dk thing not a frost thing. Everything else is incredibly boring and basic.

Can we please try to read? Damage buff outside of pillar 8-15% it’s only a 1-2% buff TO PILLAR you don’t need a damage buff during pillar. How hard is that for you to understand. If you are actually arguing that pillar burst is bad, you need to pick a new spec. Frost dk is not for you. Pillar needs to do significantly less and you need to do significantly more outside of it.

I guess were just lying now huh? Heard it here first. Frost dk does not do any damage during burst. It’s all their teammates. Ignore the 1 shot damage they do, it’s not them. Trust me!

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Rune generation chance

2100 is among the top 1% of the ladder, Only an elitist thinks 2400 doesnt classify someone as good, especially on underdog specs such as FDK. Also my ive been glad at higher rating than just 2400 before. None of that even changes that i still talk to lots of glad and r1 fdks who all hate the spec and think its trash as well. And my comment regarding the spec being bad wasnt made with SS in mind

Lots of specs get far more rewarded for playing in that way than FDK does, FDK defensives are among the worst in the game and just throwing them offensively is extremely dangerous considering you will have absolutely no ability to survive after, and no ability to continue pressuring the other team afterwards. Other specs can at least still deal damage after theyve thrown defensive cooldowns away but Frost DK has 0 sustain dps

Its a much riskier play on FDK than say on ret or arms warrior

No it doesnt mean anything, Like i said, theyre just testing out a plethora of talents theyve not had a chance to play before, And i cant take any of your words to be true after you lied earlier. So again What you say here is quite irrelevant to me

This entire game has always been extremely basic, Everyones rotation is very simple and everyones go is extremely simple. Everyones kit is extremely simple, Every spec is an easy spec. Why do people still like to pretend that WoW is a hard game will never make sense to me

Hardest thing about WoW is finding players to que with and setting up a proper UI/Keybinds. After that the gameplay is extremely easy and virtually every single spec in the game is very easy to understand and get a hold of maybe with the exception of 2 specs out of them all

Play the spec and youll see why? As in now before it gets buffed or changed again. Would looooooooooove to see where you get playing the spec but you can continue to dodge that all day long

Pillar is the only time FDK deals any damage whatsoever. Out of pillar damage is extremely undertuned. 8-12% damage increase on abilities that hit for 6k-25k is going to increase damage by a measly 1000-3000 which when healthpools are around 600k-700k will mean absolutely nothing

But you cant comprehend that point because you dont play the spec and havent felt how awful its non cooldown damage truly is, So i cant really fault your ignorance here

No its not them lol, If you think FDK does one shot damage youre delusional, Ive already explained what our highest numbers look like which is an average of 70k-99k. Peak numbers can be around 100k-120k but can only occur vs classes without passive damage reduction, No defensives, After a full uninterrupted 12s of burst, Every RNG proc possible, Full stacks of razorice, and Bonegrinder

You said it yourself thats about 20% of someones health. So what is it? 20% of someones health or 1 shot damage? Dont get caught up in your own words here

in a frost dk comp setup, The frost dk will account for around 20%-30% of the targets health while the WW/Arms/Devo will account for the remaining 70%-80% via much harder hitting abilities or via the invisible damage that is dealt from mortalstrikes stopping full health heals


I would just stop arguing with him.

Waste of time.