Frost DK is utter trash in PvP

Can we please try and read man, it’s not reducing the pressure. The guy above just explained why it’s technically a small buff even to pillar.

frost dk should hit like a fury war

Sure but it’s a PvP talent

Sometimes changes can have more of an impact than you’d think at first glance so I’m willing to see, but my first thoughts are this is akin to the difference necrotic aura makes (which is almost none). It’s also a nerf to chill streak which is whatever I guess.

Yeah and a small nerf in 10.0.7 turned ret paladin from a 53% win rate over 10,000 1800+ matches to a 49% win rate.

hot take:
FDK with its current design should be unplayable in pvp


Eh, that’s not true. If we had this current meta last season ret would still not be doing too hot. It struggles into double caster for the most part. Also I wouldn’t even consider it bad right now, just some specs it struggles with are pretty overtuned atm.

Literally citing actual data from 10.0.5 to 10.0.7-season end.

if you buff a 10k hit by 8%, it still doesn’t make any sense to play the game outside of pillar.

you are literally trolling your team if you actually try to trade damage into other people while doing half the sustain dmg everyone else is doing.

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Lets just ignore the entire rest of my post where I provide reasoning.

Frost doesnt have a cheesy one shot spec, Stop misleading people just because you see evokers one shot 3 players with dragons breath

What about frost tsg which was also super strong last season? Which for some reason did the same exact thing as evoker frost but didn’t have the evoker.

Frost/Arms and Frost/Windwalker play around a minutely deletion similar to Frost/Devo.

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And in frost arms, Frost ww comps, Its the arms warrior and the windwalker monk that deal the majority of the pressure inside those burst windows

They not only hit just as hard, if not harder, But also apply a healing reduction between 25% and 50% while doing that damage which ends up translating to invisible damage that cant be directly seen on the charts

How much longer do you plan to be misleading and dishonest here?


You are coping so hard rn

youre denying reality so hard rn

I must have been imagining the back to back 150k oblits.

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Yeah you have actually been imagining them and im willing to bet you have no screenshots or recorded proof of such a thing happening inside a legitimate 3s arena

Or maybe you just dont know how disarm works yet wouldnt surprise me based off what im seeing here already

Its actually disgusting the exaggeration youll use to try and justify your garbage argument that this class is somehow so broken when you yourself would never even log on it yourself to see how bad it actually is, and how its actually not possible to land 150k obliterates unless you spend the entire 12s of PoF uninterrupted, Fully ramped up strength, Every single possible proc in the game, Bonegrinder, Very specific class targets with 0 passive magic damage mitigation, full razorice stacks, No active defensives

I do acc have it recorded, i do not however know how disarm matters here at all?

Oh really? Care to share an imgur then? Ill wait to see the “back to back” 150k obliterates youve described

oh and while youre at it make sure to include the DKS buffs in the screenshot also, the entire screen so i can see how long you let him ramp his PoF uninterrupted on you before i call you bad