Frost DK is in a sorry state

You’re actually just clueless.

Yeah not sure about this

I think Ret for example fits this definition way better. They provide support in the form of freedom, sac, bop, sanc and off heals.

What kind of support does frost dk bring in exactly? You bring 0 buffs to the team. You actually are the one in need of constant support.

Hopefully DF will open different playstyles and we can move away from this one trick pony build once and for all


Simp harder dude.

Way I think about it is paladin supports with buffs dk supports with debuffs. Chains being the primary one. Grip and blind as well.

Idk why dks think that being a melee with the ability to control the positioning of the enemy team just means nothing.

I get what you mean. I just don’t think that’s enough to classify frost as having a supportive role.

And if being supportive is what frost is all about, then it’s missing some tools.

Right now frost does have some interesting pvp talents but it’s hard to move away from the fundemental build.

I’m thinking of shroud of winter and debilitate. Both of these talents should be part of frost baseline kit IMO.

Imagine thinking i simp over Ama or any other dk…Me and ama don’t get along but at least i know he knows what he is talking about. You on the other hand are just another dk idiot.

Imagine(sarcasim) using the imagine meme in 2022 ROFL.

There are DKs better than both of us that agree FDK is bad and it is objectively easy to prove.

“Ama” is obsessed with being edgy and looking good to his forum buddies. “Look guys, Im so good and real that I think FDK is fine too” Budget petkick before he became self aware.

Going to say something for a new vacation now “Ama”? Imagine thinking being tough on the forums was intimidating. (Did I use the played out meme right?)

Can’t help but agree with the fact frost is a one trick pony. Squishiest of all melee and to say it’s fine with the most predictable set up in the world is cute when no other melee in the game is as predictable as a frost dks set up and burst damage.

TLDR: a frost dk without leg sweep is a c tier spec at best:.



Still disagree that the spec is so awful that it requires mass protests. Guarantee you can grab a disc and a Necro war and run it down mid pressing everything you got all the way up to the glad mount and for most people that’s the peak.

I don’t think that it being predictable has any affect on MOST players as I said above at the top of the ladder it’s predictable and weak but let’s be real the forums aren’t discussing that they just want 2100

Disagree with your disagree. Outside of go its pathetic damage is not ok.

Not a frost dk exclusive issue with this expac. We’re all playing honk honk react

Oh but it does even a windwalkers “predictable” set up can still destroy someone in bone dust procc and crane kick proccs.

Windwalker is predictable but grip, blind, chill streak sindragosa is the most obvious “this is all I can do” set up in the entire game lol.

Followed by what I said about frost dk only viable with windwalker at high ratings then you bring up windwalker itself. I get you’re a better player than I but saying windwalker is as predictable as frost dk that’s kinda cap imo. Windwalker can randomly kill you anytime :joy:.

Its toolkit is vastly deeper than a frost dks ONLY win condition which JUST got nerfed through abom.

Edit - I will say being predictable doesn’t mean not effective ww dk is predictable. But the modern tool kits of meta classes make frost dks predictable all in go a joke. Sure any class is viable but it’s not r1 viable?


Name them.

It’s not really frost dks dmg outside of go’s compared to others it’s how vulnerable and useless it is outside of go’s compared to others.

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frost is broken

i feel like this invites a bigger question-when the damage model you want to play exists on other specs, but not the one you’re playing, what sense does it make to wish that playstyle were restored to your personal spec? you can play a dk spec with decent damage between goes right now, or any of several other melee specs that have very strong pressure between goes. why should the game be redesigned so that the playstyle you want has light blue buttons?

ww has incap makes it waaaaay easier to set up with your healer. doesn’t really matter how predictable it is if it can’t be stopped

r u ok?‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎

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mystifying what confused about that. what clarifying question are you trying to ask

that you wrote a thesis of romcom head cannon from one sentence

so like i said, r u ok?