Frost DK is in a sorry state

I got unbanned just in time to say this is how it’s supposed to work.


You’re saying every class should just be a 1 minute burst machine with nothing to do in-between?

Should sustained DPS not be a threat? Should your in-between kit not give you interesting choices to make, offensively and defensively?

Should every other spec be pared down, not weaker ones brought up?


No I’m saying that when you mess up and are punished for it that’s a good thing.

Not every class should be the same but that’s how frost dk is right now.

When you get the combo off correctly it does gigantic damage I think people are a lil dramatic about frost performance

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I think he started playing in Shadow Lands

Anyways I agree that scuffing your go should not reward a kill

What I’m saying is Frost just becomes a chains of ice spamming machine between CD’s. You don’t have much tools. You’re just delaying the game.

If you like the playstyle, good for you buddy

I think that having to save grip and every single one of your abilities for that one kill opportunity is boring AF

It’s just an opinion anyways. You do your thing buddy


what a dumb read. nobody said every class. he said this class. as it exists currently, possessing the tools to win a whole game with a successful burst


Yeah people are being “dramatic” about frosts performance.

3v3 spec distribution below -

Frosts performance rn


Play with disc priest to give u dark arc for every go and mm hunter with kyrian circle and scatter shot off target on ur double blind go and you got urself a very disgusting comp

Or play with an hpriest and ww/ret for perfect triple cross every go with unhealable burst damage and just run in between

Fdk is very competitive if you just play to survive in between your unhealable 1 shot but this takes coordination which most people aren’t capable of

Dk community is convinced the class is bad because of representation both ladder % and from content creators but I think it’s super important the reasons why people play other melee over dk.

2s viability. Fun. Comp options. Dk is just a weird niche class don’t think it’s ever going to be a popular thing people pick unless it’s overtuned like season 3.

The reality is frost dk is super tanky and has an explosive ret paladin wings tier bang. Nobody plays it because it’s boring and super comp dependent. Also warriors + hunters good = less fun to be a dk.

Multiple factors but most wow players can’t figure out turbo tax with one W2

I’m not a great player by any means. I’m sure the r1s know more about viability but all expansion I haven’t felt that my class held me back at all. Sinful unholy was not working correctly but frost was legit anti meta OP. Unchained unholy was fine not great.

The crying won’t stop until the dk player can dismount and instantly disconnect two players


Preach king

Yeah no, wod fdk wasnt fine, it was arms shadowlands s1 level of busted.

After combat rogue ptsd, all I remember is walking dead ptsd

Wod turbo says hellooooo

i like u bubblebuddy but im not sure frost dk is “very competitive” even when played to it’s win conditions.

the dk tool kit is pretty good defensively but it’s not rogue and it’s not even dh with 40s blur and demons to heal you as sustain.

its a very all in comp which sure can catch people off guard but can be countered more easily than it can be pulled off. If you don’t win in your first go, your chances of winning drop to 30, if you don’t win in your second, they drop to less than 10% id argue

Thank you for sharing but you are wrong.

double blind into double stun is trinket or die and if you have a ww or mm popping with you and a priest casting mind games then it’s gonna be multiple cds or die . That’s why there was a ww dk hpriest at 3200cr and mm fdk at 3100. It’s easy to live in between goes because you just chains of ice and run around a pillar

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Don’t forget also incentivized to not press runic power buttons in between goes so even if someone connects while ur running around pillar with chains up, you can just spam death strike

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Lol I just watched the highest FDK team queue into RPD 3 times in a row last night and they got utterly bent. The FDK didn’t get his go off once. The druid just played perma pillar so he was impossible to grip, and then the rogue just cloaked their goes and peeled. To be clear, it was FDK/MM/x (i cant remember the healer but i think it was a holy priest.) The FDK was permanently dead trying to los but it didn’t matter since outside of using his only win condition (blind) the fdk has no peel. It wasn’t even close

There’s like dozens of go in the game where it’s trinket or die, that doesn’t mean it’s a good comp.
It is so obvious what the comp wants to do, and it only takes 1 person to trinket each time to mess up the go. The dk has to use a good amount of his defensives just to stay offensive during his go and then he’s dead. If he doesn’t IBF the rogue stun his go is over, if he does, he’s disarmed and the go is still over if he trinkets. Now he trinkets, and he has no ibf no trinket and all the rogue did was cloak.

Also chains of ice makes it basically impossible to heal with death strike so you gimp your own self healing.

It can win at high mmr but anything can win a handful of ladder games. I’m sure you could win on double mage because DB–>Ring on 2 into poly on 3rd is trinket or die.

No one got rank 1 on it. Hardly anyone got glad on it, I think it was the least of any dps spec outside maybe arcane mage. Most meta teams are very happy to queue into FDK. The spec is dog.

im gonna keep playing it either way because i think the go is fun, but it is objectively worse than unholy, and every other melee dps spec in the game. saying otherwise is misinformed or disingenuous.


Both, the only people who think frost is good are trashcans that buy rating.

You can literally walk out of their go.

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If frost is bad it can stay that way. Keep Frost a pve spec

That is a very strange accusation to lob at someone.

Not really, like I said you can literally walk out of their go. Its a mid tier burst spec with no MS and no unique mechanics that make it hard to deal with.

Curious; you say I “lobbed” that accusation at “someone” which is hard to understand considering it was a general statement which by definition is aimed at no one in particular.

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Not really. Grippy hands, grip, chains of ice. Stun.
Frost dk go is terrifying and quite strong I would never downplay that.
Amatox has also been like 2800 as frost dk I think he knows what he is talking about in that regard.

This is borderline irrelevant

Ya blinding sleet isn’t unique

Yeah it’s very weird to lob that out. Even really good players have weird takes sometimes that has nothing to do with buying rating. It’s a weird unconstructive post