Frosmourne World MS

The last three days I have noticed some incredible MS issues causing some really unplayable moments, I’ve done everything I can think of to remedy this issue

removed addons, reinstalled wow, hard reset modems and i even went as far as factory restoring my laptop… after all that I log in this morning to find even when solo my world my shoots into the 2000s both on WiFi and ethernet cabled and no addons even downloaded. i spoke to my ISP and they assured me its not an issue on their end as the ‘tests’ they ran showed no problems or spikes that could be causing me any grief

Hi Angelical - is the background downloader active? the 9.1.5 patch is pre-downloading to be ready next week…

I didn’t know about that feature but i disabled it, I also cleared the cache with no solution in sight, sitting in Oribios just talking in trade chat and it spikes upto 3000. I’ve been all over the net trying to find a fix but it seems like i’ve done all i have control over

Do you have an active VPN? maybe installed as part of your virus scanner? pretty sure Norton does this - last thing you can try is there is a network registry hack you can set - not sure of your windows version you can try this