From WoW to FFXIV? Read this

Isn’t that something… for the life of me I cannot see why. Do you know why?

Yeah because the trolls and doomsayers want to get bites. It gets old. Give it a rest people. Take a break.

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I fit more spells in on my FF14 toons than my WoW toons where everything other than CDs pretty much is behind the GCD. There is a ton of IC abilities you can weave in between. If you’re playing correctly, it feels much faster.

You can change this in the configuration.

And those two are free. And you get to create a custom character and name them and give them armor… that’s a way cooler bank system.

It will unless you’re trying to level them all at once and have various level ranges of gear for every job.

Good. Should be in WoW too. It only creates meta slaves and people who ignore mechanics and other responsibilities for the sake of damage.

“I didn’t understand what was going on.” lol


I don’t know why because I think Wow should be the better game but in my opinion what we are witnessing is ffxiv taking over the top spot from WoW for the moment, and people are pissed WoW isn’t doing anything to stop it yet.


I guess you aren’t weaving at all, are you? If you’re watching the circle spinning between casts, then you’re only using half your skills and playing completely wrong. My highest character is only in the 60s and I’m already busily weaving in the off-GCD skills and managing my positionals in between GCD skills. It’s not the game’s fault that your bar is incomplete and/or you don’t understand how to play your character.

The meter is allowed. You just aren’t allowed to spam it in group chat, and the game is better for it. I wish Blizzard would do the same. If you want to post meters in your guild’s discord, then do that.

WoW used to be a haven for players who wanted a more casual MMO, but since Cataclysm, they’ve made a concerted effort to provide for the elitists at the expense of casuals. FFXIV has done the opposite. Recently, YoshiP explicitly stated that Savage raids are designed to be done by the majority because they want to provide something for everyone to enjoy. Raids above that difficulty award cosmetics. Contrast that with WoW, who recently reinstated a variant of the valor system with the caveat that its potential is only unlocked if you’re playing at the very highest levels. It’s no wonder that FFXIV is taking the top spot, even if it doesn’t feel as good to play as WoW used to feel. If you’re a casual player, your FFXIV progress doesn’t come to a hard stop two weeks into the content. The same cannot currently be said for WoW.


If you cancel your sub for like a month or two, does the gear on those hired retainers just vanish? Or is it still waiting for you when you resub?

This is true but it is also true there is little gear that is ugly in FFXIV.
Most of the armor is great looking.


Then GTFO and go play FFXIV.

Are you okay?


Dont threaten me with a good time


I play both and I love both.


It stays on them if you resub, you just can’t access it while they’re locked.


If they would just shorten the GCD it could replace WoW for me. I just can’t stand all the waiting around.

It gets faster later but you have to get through the story to get there. Its not for everyone.


Can you make a Summoner in FFXIV, and can you summon Carbuncle? Is it as adorable as the one in FFXI?

Yes, Yes, and Yes.

But dont get your hopes up too high. Carbuncle, Bahamut, and Pheonix are the only classic summons that you can actually summon.


Later when? I’m genuinely curious, as the game looks like it could be fun when that happens.

Around lvl 50 and then it ramps up from there depending on your job. Like, ninja gets the ninjitsu in addition to the base rotation and you have to press 3 buttons in a specific order and then a finishing button for either a slice and dice like buff, a 10% damage taken increase debuff on target, single target ranged ability, aoe ability, aoe dot ability, or quick ranged ability.

This resets every 7 seconds or so to use it again and stacks.

Or bard which has dots, dot refreshers, and procs in addition to 3-4 buffs you cycle between.

It gets nutty.


Interesting, does it take a long time to reach 50? Any catchup mechanisms?

The highest level I achieved in FFXI was around 28 or so on a red mage. I was always aiming for Carbuncle but never got that far. My young teen self just didn’t understand MMOs and the death penalty in FFXI was tough. Can you lose levels for dying in FFXIV?

I’ve never considered revisiting a Final Fantasy game since then, but I always liked the classes. I don’t care for the anime look most of the characters in FFXIV but I’m considered trying it and just wearing a hood or helmet.

WoW does WoW best. If you play FFXIV as WoW and not as FFXIV, you’re going to have a bad time. And my inventory holds gear for all jobs fine, crafting included. But you’re right, it is incredibly janky. They inherited that jank from 1.0 - the game they essentially recreated from the ground up into something worth playing.